September 2007 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Sep 11 09:15:42 EDT 2007
Ending: Mon Oct 1 02:50:17 EDT 2007
Messages: 731
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Fan A. Configuration
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Conspirators G. Unprepared
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Frankness R. Inorganic
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Crewmen V. Socialization
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Murat U. Thief
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Operation U. Chowder
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Maria J. Codex
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Vonnegut J. Percentage
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Memorized L. Furies
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Shoaled H. Tartar
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Muumuus T. Quoting
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Damon S. Impugns
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Extrapolation M. Kirghistan
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Horrible S. Deflected
- [Vtigercrm-commits] (no subject)
Factotum V. Rampage
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 0008
Robert Holmes
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 0092
Lisa Terry
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 0497
Tamara Nguyen
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 0607
Thomas Yang
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 0773
Michael Ball
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 1029
Andrew Cortez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 1146
Deborah Cotton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 1153
Jennifer Horne
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 1670
Friedrich Blevins
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 1671
Jennifer Booker
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2042
Natasha Smith
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2110
Hank Sanchez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2129
Friedrick Blair
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2199
John Craig
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2271
John Lynn
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2437
Thomas Valenzuela
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2483
Patricia Lott
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2489
Tammy Middleton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2506
Zoe Arnold
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 2555
Margaret Griffin
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3131
Matthew Moses
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3157
Yesenia Gaines
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3264
Zachary Dillon
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3299
Wendy Beach
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3516
Brittany Dunn
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3563
Tammy Keith
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3668
Mary Baxter
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3821
Tamara Delaney
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 3826
Deborah Bauer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4125
Teresa Hull
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4201
Catherine Roman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4347
Natalie Hurst
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4406
Steven Howard
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4622
Matthew Greene
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4699
Federico Sanford
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 4822
Aiden Gonzalez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5193
Daniel Warner
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5253
Wendy Tillman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5450
Holly Hernandez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5476
Robert Perry
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5494
Elizabeth Brady
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5517
Natasha Lucas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5527
David Henry
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5544
Elizabeth Carson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5660
Tamara Flores
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 5753
Courtney Riggs
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6025
Tatiana Black
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6180
Thomas Trevino
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6239
Matthew Hurst
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6280
Barbara Haley
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6366
Steven Giles
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6623
Patricia Combs
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6632
Paula Wall
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6668
Richard Chapman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6712
Margaret Crawford
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6865
Bill Spencer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 6875
Todd Quinn
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 7007
Lisa Guerra
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 7125
Peter Mcmahon
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 7193
Zachary Blanchard
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 7391
Larry Sanford
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 7552
Ronald Massey
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 7699
Peter Mercer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 8099
Friedrick Morrison
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 8264
Brian Larson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 8371
Allison Rasmussen
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 8388
Tamara Galloway
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 8434
Caitlyn Higgins
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9047
Arnold Estrada
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9122
Violet Bond
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9433
Aiden Martin
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9457
Holly Bell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9587
Violet Clay
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9609
Kristen Brock
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9699
Thomas Hensley
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9819
Barbara Noble
- [Vtigercrm-commits] 9851
Tammy Ross
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #1549: Created/Modified Time show GMT zone values instead of Server Time in Windows OS
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2051: Always problem with accents
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2107: Huge security hole
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2107: Huge security hole
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2196: Inconsitency in charset (UTF-8)
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2590: saved picklist value not remained when edit
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2607: selective export patches for Accounts, Contacts, Leads Listviews
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2620: UTF-8 support for Notifications and report folder name
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2625: Backup dont work co
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2807: long description fields on potential reports are exported as empty in excel export
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #2988: Parse error:customer portal
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3007: Login Bug: Password hash not converted correctly
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3181: Need Ability to export just what is in the current view
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3321: Serious bug in theme when sugarCRM & vTigerCRM coexist
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3321: Serious bug in theme when sugarCRM & vTigerCRM coexist
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3321: Serious bug in theme when sugarCRM & vTigerCRM coexist
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3328: Russian Text Problem even in UTF-8
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3757: CustomView: Invalid view name with polish characters
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3757: CustomView: Invalid view name with polish characters
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3795: Character set problem in webmail
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3807: Horizontal Line incomplete
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3832: picklist encoding problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3919: problem with Salutation field
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #3950: Incorrect strings display in list view[Charset Problem - Russian]
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4025: Advanced Search doesn't support special characters
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4035: when an invoice export to pdf - language error comes
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4035: when an invoice export to pdf - language error comes
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4044: VTiger Incompatible With PHP4
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4070: i18n failure at custom views
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4090: VERY Basic Need on Products & Price Books!~!???
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4090: VERY Basic Need on Products & Price Books!~!???
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4093: Bug with attacments in Notes (CallRelatedList)-view
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4095: custom view name - special characters problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4095: custom view name - special characters problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4097: To do / Calender Issue
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4097: To do / Calender Issue
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4101: Export to Excel error
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4103: disabling related to and contact name fields in calendar do not functioning properly.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4103: disabling related to and contact name fields in calendar do not functioning properly.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4104: check boxes in filter
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4106: Activity History lacking functionality for teams
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4120: Calendar Module Changes
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4122: CRM doesn't send attachment to cc and bcc
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4125: should this column be displayed?
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4134: HelpDesk Status report blank screen or empty
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4137: Product Images size
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4138: Report and dashboard execution time corrections
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4139: Tabsequence is not proper in Inventory modules - product details block
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4144: i18n issue - Ticket status -
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4146: the field values of the utf-8 charset are stored as html entities esacaped char "&#" in database.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4147: Drop Down Menu Overlay goes under select box
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4152: Product Ordering
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4157: parenttab does not seem to work after a search
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4158: i18n issue at PDF output reports
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4159: i18n issue at reports selection menu
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4159: i18n issue at reports selection menu
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4160: User settings overwrites calandar settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4161: Combo and multi select Custom Fields do not display already entered list in Settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4163: Calendar time out
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4163: Calendar time out
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4163: Calendar time out
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4163: Calendar time out
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4164: Line Missing
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4165: Related list account link
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4165: Related list account link
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4165: Related list account link
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4166: Notification Schedulers
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4167: Support end date is missing
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4168: Time zone off by 1 hour
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4168: Time zone off by 1 hour
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4168: Time zone off by 1 hour
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4169: User login history problem.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4169: User login history problem.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4170: Bug
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4170: Bug
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4170: Bug
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4171: file in wrong directory
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4171: file in wrong directory
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4171: file in wrong directory
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4172: Image problem in My Preferences.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4172: Image problem in My Preferences.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4173: Warning: Division by zero
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4173: Warning: Division by zero
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4174: Bug in JavaScript Date validation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4174: Bug in JavaScript Date validation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4174: Bug in JavaScript Date validation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4174: Bug in JavaScript Date validation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4175: Email notification when User is added
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4175: Email notification when User is added
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4176: Advanced filter "or" in reports not working
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4176: Advanced filter "or" in reports not working
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4177: Extend Filter Functionality
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4178: Add drop-down items - ON THE FLY
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4178: Add drop-down items - ON THE FLY
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4179: Char "'" in picklist
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4179: Char "'" in picklist
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4180: Unable to Merge Office Plugin for any of the modules
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4180: Unable to Merge Office Plugin for any of the modules
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4181: Pending activiies slow down the home page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4181: Pending activiies slow down the home page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4182: Address format control
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4183: Export/Import feature for Trouble tickets module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4183: Export/Import feature for Trouble tickets module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4183: Export/Import feature for Trouble tickets module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4184: Report name problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4185: Calendar custom filter doesn't allow filter based on event type
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4186: Default time for Calendar event
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4187: Can't add RSS feed
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4187: Can't add RSS feed
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4188: Can't save new sites in mysites
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4188: Can't save new sites in mysites
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4189: Unable to use existing php associated with apache, while doing system installation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4189: Unable to use existing php associated with apache, while doing system installation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4190: Picklist editor still showing the removed picklist values
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4191: Problem in dash board lead source
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4191: Problem in dash board lead source
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4192: Picklist values added at Organization level not available to non-admin users
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4193: Switch between Grid view and Normal view in Dashboard module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4194: Url provided in email to customer portal user is incorrect
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4195: Unable to insert new record in FAQ module with no answer
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4195: Unable to insert new record in FAQ module with no answer
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4195: Unable to insert new record in FAQ module with no answer
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4196: import/export fecility for trouble tickets
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4196: import/export fecility for trouble tickets
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4197: delete fecility for a tax in setting->tax calculations
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4197: delete fecility for a tax in setting->tax calculations
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4198: Chat Window is not functioning
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4199: Yahoo Id didn't get display
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4200: In RelatedList of Contacts the Activity count is not correct.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4201: Version need to be changed
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4201: Version need to be changed
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4201: Version need to be changed
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4202: Export problem in contacts.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4202: Export problem in contacts.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4202: Export problem in contacts.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4203: Proper Progress message is required
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4204: wrong record counting in All Events & Todos
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4205: Followup end date is empty
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4206: Problem in dashboard
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4206: Problem in dashboard
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4207: Problem in dashboard
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4207: Problem in dashboard
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4207: Problem in dashboard
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4208: Custom view -- security issue in Calendar
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4209: Quantity column size must be increased in Inventory PDF.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4209: Quantity column size must be increased in Inventory PDF.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4210: Dashboard: Date Range problem when editing
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4210: Dashboard: Date Range problem when editing
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4211: uploding .png image in company details causing problem in export pdf
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4212: Java Script - errors
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4212: Java Script - errors
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4213: Reports : Problem while deleting reports
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4214: Different Helpdesk-Emails / Rules for sending this Email
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4215: Reports : PDF truncate
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4216: Custom Field Mapping - JavaScript Validation issue
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4217: Performance CustomerPortal very poor
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4217: Performance CustomerPortal very poor
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4218: Installation fails on Windows vista
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4219: Email Templates shows empty page &error.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4220: Reports To shows the result as undefined.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4221: contacts and leads salutation field is not displayed in create/edit page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4222: Email
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4223: could not add an attachement from customer portal
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4223: could not add an attachement from customer portal
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4224: Attachment
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4224: Attachment
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4225: Duplicate contacts in Outlook
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4226: Problem with Invoice
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4226: Problem with Invoice
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4227: Problem during Installation of .exe with system apache
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4227: Problem during Installation of .exe with system apache
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4227: Problem during Installation of .exe with system apache
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4228: Installation wizard is not opened
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4228: Installation wizard is not opened
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4229: Incorrect parent tab name for links in list view
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4229: Incorrect parent tab name for links in list view
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4230: After adding a trouble ticket user email id is displayed on page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4231: calendar assigned-to bugs
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4231: calendar assigned-to bugs
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4232: FireFox plugin Email Validation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4233: picklist editor in 5.0.3 does not work.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4233: picklist editor in 5.0.3 does not work.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4234: Installation Problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4235: Double Quote problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4236: Installation Problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4237: Thunderbirds Plugin : Wrong Alert
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4238: Option Needed to choose Php mail function also in outgoing server settings
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4239: Duplicate - contact handling needed for qualify option in webmail
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4239: Duplicate - contact handling needed for qualify option in webmail
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4240: # of email templates listed when sending emails are limited to 11
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4241: image format not validated properly.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4242: Problem in Number Validation.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4243: updating out going server causing problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4244: Assign customerportal ticket from group
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4245: Rss feed url is not pointing properly
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4246: Problem in adding salesorder
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4247: need clarification with backup server?
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4248: Advanced Filter
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4249: could not send mail..
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4249: could not send mail..
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4250: delete at customer portal
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4251: UI Issue while exporting..
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4251: UI Issue while exporting..
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4252: Fatal Error In Advanced Filter
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4253: Issue with field access in Calendar.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4254: In Advanced Filter of contacts module not equals to is not functioning for some fields.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4255: Unnessesary delete option
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4256: Unwanted entries in Inventory PDF.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4257: Disabling Shipping & Handling Taxes are impact already created quote.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4258: Back Up Now-button
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4259: webform -- unsubscribe
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4260: In Potentials listview, unable to open account details
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4261: getting some extra lines while adding from out look pluggin
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4262: Currency field label name is not come in Campaigns
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4263: other phone field in accounts relatedlist.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4264: Not allowing HTML codes in ticket comments
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4265: Product Name is not come in ListView.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4266: Part Number, Unit Price
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4267: forgot password -- in customer portal
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4268: Billing address, Shipping Address
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4269: When install .bin shows below error.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4270: started server & then I tried to access the server, its shows empty page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4271: portal support dates -- fails
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4272: Email problem
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4273: HardCoded Path in WebMails Module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4274: merging problem with office
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4275: Product Name in Trouble Tickets
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4275: Product Name in Trouble Tickets
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4276: Message Dispaly while search(Webmail)
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4277: Total amount is not calcullated and saved.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4277: Total amount is not calcullated and saved.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4278: Dashboard: Can't able to refresh as grid view.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4278: Dashboard: Can't able to refresh as grid view.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4278: Dashboard: Can't able to refresh as grid view.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4278: Dashboard: Can't able to refresh as grid view.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4279: Automatic Backup on logout
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4280: Wrong Link in Contacts list
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4281: After doing Undo Last Import, provide cancel or goback button
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4282: Products Updating and duplicating fails
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4283: Misspelled captions in y -axis of Bar chart
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4283: Misspelled captions in y -axis of Bar chart
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4284: could not filter by related to in Calendar
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4285: Problem with editing and deleting notes in inventory modules
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4286: Problem with editing and deleting notes in inventory modules
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4287: Problem with adding products in related lists
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4288: Data with in angular brackets is not appearing in text fields
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4289: validation in vendors
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4290: Problem with scriptaculous in home page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4291: Firefox Plugin: No email length validation.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4292: Firefox Plugin: Could not select Severity, Priority when Creating Ticket
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4293: Firefox Plugin: Create Site did not work
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4294: Firefox Plugin: Disabling this plugin doesn't work
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4295: Email Module: Alert box message is confusing.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4296: Could not export Notes
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4297: Could not add new bookmark
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4298: Problem with Global Privileges - View All
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4299: problem in Customview of Notes module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4299: problem in Customview of Notes module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4300: Calendar - Shared & Private
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4301: Reports : Problem with Advence search.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4301: Reports : Problem with Advence search.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4302: Reports : JavaScript Error
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4302: Reports : JavaScript Error
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4303: List Price problem in relatedlist of Price books module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4304: selecting contact in Events.
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4305: ListView -> DetailView
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4306: Mailer Export doesn't have cancel button
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4307: Dashboard: Pipeline By Month By Outcome chart condition getting messed up
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4308: Dashboard: List view for Unassigned value not in sync with Chart
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4308: Dashboard: List view for Unassigned value not in sync with Chart
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4309: cant enter some characters in user email id for outgoing server details
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4309: cant enter some characters in user email id for outgoing server details
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4309: cant enter some characters in user email id for outgoing server details
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4310: unable to add new bookmarks at My Sites
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4310: unable to add new bookmarks at My Sites
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4311: There is no validation while editing the Picklist fieldtype(Customfields)
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4312: Tabsequence is not proper in Campaigns module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4313: It will be nice If reduce the length of label field in customfields
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4314: Problem with .bin installation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4314: Problem with .bin installation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4315: yahoo email id is not getting displayed in the detail view of lead page
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4316: Email field
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4317: Ajax Edit at contacts and portal at profiles
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4318: Pie chart explanatory box hides pie chart
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4319: Comments In Quote do not appear on PDF
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4320: My Preferences > Currency Setting
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4321: Bug with PDF generation
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4322: Events missing in Year view of Calendar module
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4323: product / account selection windows are slow to display
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4324: product / account selection windows are slow to display
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4324: product / account selection windows are slow to display
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4325: spelling error in lang files
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4326: bad dashboard i18n approach
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4327: hardcoded reference to a theme that does not exists
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4328: wrong spelling in themes
vtiger development
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Among
Margaret Rivas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Bridget Barnett
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Laura Morrow
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Yesenia Cain
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Caitlyn Matthews
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Matthew Morton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Catherine Holt
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Tammy Russell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Brian Merrill
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Holly Elliott
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Amy Dyer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Elizabeth Knapp
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Rachel Jacobson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Brittany Hays
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Tatiana Boone
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Anatrim
Margaret Marks
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Any health troubles?
Peppermints H. China
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Be healthy, be wealthy!
Embezzlement H. Senile
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Beauty
Steven Vasquez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Bring
Renee Finley
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can you imagine that you are healthy?
Perl C. Makings
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can you satisfy your girlfriend?
Islamics J. Roiled
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can't afford medications you need?
Kickoffs M. Solidification
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can't find a good drug store?
Joseph Wagner
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can't find a good drug store?
Dr. Terry Ruiz
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can't find must-have meds at your local drug store?
Violet Espinoza
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can't find must-have meds at your local drug store?
Fred Ramsey
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Can't find must-have meds at your local drug store?
Dr. Kristen Soto
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Card
Renee Guzman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Care
Nicole Slater
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Cent
Wendy Franks
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Cent
Christopher Henderson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Certain
Brittany Pate
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Chair
Mary Byers
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Chair
Mary Sanders
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Crazy defoliator
Tammy Maxwell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Disappointed with your sexual health?
Furthest E. Diadems
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Division
Steven Rivers
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Dog
Heather Hyde
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Don't have time to visit the local drug store?
Ronald Harrell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Don't have time to visit the local drug store?
Margaret Graham
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Don't have time to visit the local drug store?
Mary Castro
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Don't have time to visit the local drug store?
Deborah Gilmore
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Don't know where to buy pills?
Concords L. Embargo
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Ear
Natalie Carpenter
- [Vtigercrm-commits] End
Stephanie Olson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Energy
Alexander Stephenson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Energy
Andrew Fletcher
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Equate
Joseph Parker
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Example
Deborah Horton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fair
Matthew Flowers
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Far
Amy Cardenas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Father
Thomas Lamb
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fear
Matthew Le
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fig
Thomas Hewitt
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fighting sexual disorder
Crossbow G. Cosmetics
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fire
Friedrick Williamson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fraction
Elizabeth Morin
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Fun
Tammy Moses
- [Vtigercrm-commits] FYEO
Kristen Mcknight
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Gentle
George Galloway
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Glad
Michael Elliott
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Grew
Andrew Lloyd
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Happy
Federico Jordan
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Happy Viagra
Dr. Nicole Larson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Happy Viagra
Yesenia Foreman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Health for everybody
Gilberto A. Hysteric
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Healthy life is your dream?
Christopher Brewer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Huge on-line pharmacy
Whitewashed M. Septic
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Huge on-line pharmacy
Impanels C. Bandung
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen destroyer
Jennifer Serrano
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen destroyer
Tatiana Harrison
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen eliminator
Brian Butler
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen penetrator
Dr. Peter Erickson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen penetrator
Friedrich Bright
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen penetrator
Amy Buckner
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen penetrator
Elizabeth Flynn
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Hymen penetrator
Heather Frazier
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Ditch B. Priesthood
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Repentant K. Bumbled
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Incessant P. Activity
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Pastorals M. Joust
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Knotholes I. Duffy
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Looking V. Fortunes
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Denier A. Coercion
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Preparation H. Leoncavallo
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Bearing T. Erato
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Kelvin V. Audits
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Identification P. McClure
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Signaled O. Criminals
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Extremest C. Minis
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Laurel L. Sellers
- [Vtigercrm-commits] International Legal RX
Beets S. Edicts
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Lake
Nicole Adkins
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Left
Amy Kerr
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Let
Tammy Stout
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Level
Brittany Rasmussen
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Lie
Derek Rogers
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Lone
Brian Crane
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Love accelerator
Yesenia Figueroa
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Love accelerator
Violet Palmer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Maestro Penis
Dustin Matthews
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Magnet
Bridget Oconnor
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Master Penis
Amy Blackburn
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Master Penis
Brittany Hewitt
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Meat
Nicolas Moss
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Medications that you need.
Preciseness I. Kibitzed
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Men's health
James Kim
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Men's health
Bridget Riddle
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Men's health
Michael Hull
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Men's health
Brian Nichols
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Men's health
Mary Walter
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Men's health
Richard Dixon
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Next
Larry Rutledge
- [Vtigercrm-commits] No need to visit the local drug store.
Fred Diaz
- [Vtigercrm-commits] North
Steven Mullen
- [Vtigercrm-commits] North
Arnold Conrad
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Nose
Violet Berg
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Operate
Waylon Evans
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Orgasm evolution
Violet Stone
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Page
Brittany Spence
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Past
Kristen Mathews
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Path
Terry Zamora
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Penis launcher
Frilly G. Bewildered
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Penis power
Dr. Rachel Russell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Penis vs. wet pussies
Dr. Thomas Oliver
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Penis vs. wet pussies
Dr. Peter Shaffer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Perfect sex? It is possible!
Zachary Cunningham
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Perfect sex? It is possible!
Alexander Blanchard
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Pharmacy for real men!
Marvelous V. Headings
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Pharmacy for real men!
Dacron E. Cambric
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Pitch
Todd Taylor
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Power
Patricia Ray
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Power
Laura Bullock
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Proper
Deborah Conley
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Race
Todd Nielsen
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Radio
Zoe Powell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Report
Natalie Preston
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Report
Bridget Santana
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Report
Dr. Brian Burton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Round
Tara Kirk
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Rub
Christopher Sosa
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Run
Nicole Mooney
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Salt
Natasha Leblanc
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Say "NO" to erectile dysfunction!
Margaret Perkins
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Say "YES" to perfect sex!
Nicolas Conley
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Say "YES" to perfect sex!
Paula Lloyd
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Say YES to perfect sex!
Upturned J. Despatches
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Sell
Lisa Mills
- [Vtigercrm-commits] sexual drive
Budged O. Councilor
- [Vtigercrm-commits] sexual drive
Godchild T. Fairways
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Sexual power
Michael Witt
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Ship
Crystal Wilson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Short
Rachel Salas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Silver
Kristen Lindsey
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Small
Elizabeth Mcclure
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Song
Michael Yates
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Spermgun
Stephanie Gallagher
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Spermgun
Bridget Vargas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Stand
Arnold Guthrie
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Star
Donald Gillespie
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Steam
Margaret Conley
- [Vtigercrm-commits] String
Arnold Wong
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Sudden
Margaret Thompson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Suit
Margaret Gilmore
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Supersex
Dr. Christopher Roach
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Switch ON your penis!
Nicolas Burris
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tasty Viagra
Dr. Adam Cantrell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Teeth
Bridget Pitts
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Term
Laura Leonard
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Deborah Green
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Federico Whitfield
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Patricia Watson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Aiden Montgomery
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Zoe Farrell
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Amanda Reese
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Elizabeth Harris
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Amy Patel
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Laura Ray
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Steven Griffin
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Rachel Mason
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Christopher Sims
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Aiden Mccormick
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Friedrick Fulton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Aaron Barber
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Christopher Nelson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Michael Chen
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Terry Cabrera
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
David Schneider
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Christopher Watson
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Caitlyn Decker
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Veronica Chaney
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
David Long
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
George Holman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Heather Lucas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Thomas Perry
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Steven Pratt
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Paula Holden
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Violet Moon
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Bridget Downs
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The most used medical products for you
Friedrick Downs
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Junkie R. Encephalitis
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Konrad I. Brummel
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Strumpeting Q. Sprain
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Infallibly H. Goldberg
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Chronicle E. Victorians
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
McPherson H. Purulence
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Gainsays D. Handbooks
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Aprons E. Blob
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Pasta R. Mas
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Adder P. Rationale
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Tuner D. Noble
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Collarbone H. Familiarity
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Typographic L. Guava
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Classy H. Diagnostician
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Peddles H. Lasers
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Colossus R. Insubordination
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Mannishly R. Playhouse
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Picketing S. Renter
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Dissonance E. Inconsistency
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Keeling H. Waiters
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Salvadoran I. Responds
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Fisticuffs U. Brakeman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
HBO Q. Thames
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Ospreys B. Elmer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Maidenhood R. Encasing
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Earth T. Pileup
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Dream U. Impotently
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Voyeuristic Q. Piston
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Apprehensiveness H. Devonian
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Hephaestus R. Semblances
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Cubans R. Monger
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Pollywog V. Delmar
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Tipper E. Stack
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Garret K. Carburetor
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Wilford P. Mariner
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Campaigning E. Roughens
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Junes C. Disorienting
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Viol B. Wakening
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Splattered T. Frisking
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Bergs S. Wake
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Approaching M. Advisors
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Defies M. Crankiest
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Disappointment U. Grant
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Bradford K. Equipages
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Euterpe T. Emile
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Sleek P. Finalists
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Dressed O. Scarecrow
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Honesty S. Jeff
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Trio V. Lula
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Keyboarding U. Baccalaureates
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Notion U. Slinking
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Interconnected J. Byronic
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Coexisted M. Carpal
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Avuncular B. Sices
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Knottiest U. Binder
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Centigrade D. Covering
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Nelsen J. Lifelines
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Weal H. Impressively
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Deport S. Shoshone
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Deludes A. Reef
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Infinitive U. Sinatra
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Missouri U. Reflection
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Bertie V. Individual
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Attic H. Gallivants
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Wooers U. Rebelled
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Subcompact F. Perilously
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Davenport H. Wolff
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Christen Q. Galvanometer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Caravans F. Examinations
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Abstraction J. Propaganda
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Orthogonal I. Nuptials
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Apostrophes U. Indistinct
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Ringing F. Monorail
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Wrongly K. Amalgamations
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Quincy V. Mellifluously
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Heron M. Philosophizes
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Workbench C. Naphtali
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Sagest G. Rile
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Asseverated H. Peaceful
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Sari H. Miscast
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Emaciate Q. Switzerland
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Brigid F. Kinswoman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Panelings R. Misgivings
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Fawn H. Lurked
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Sonnets I. Misstep
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Temperature J. Kit
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Roomier P. Blunderer
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Cajoles K. Aludra
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Deicing U. Unimpressed
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Refinish K. Nagoya
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Mushroom O. Thudding
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Brainchild Q. Dramatics
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Rochambeau A. Wattling
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Heifer M. Inoperative
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Oozed H. Violet
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Residence C. Blanket
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Anomalous H. Undiminished
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Ingratiated H. Oratorio
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Gazebos I. Ovules
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Remedies M. Concepci
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Swabbed Q. Repelled
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Commonwealth K. Icon
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Benevolently S. Narcing
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Hunks K. Condores
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Ruben F. Damaged
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Barbecue H. Condiments
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The Pharmacy America Trusts
Demeter M. Sisal
- [Vtigercrm-commits] The way to become a perfect lover
Derek Kim
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tired of sexual troubles?
Violet Blevins
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tired of your poor health?
Deborah Estes
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tired of your poor health?
Todd Conner
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tool
Kristen Lopez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tool
Natalie Mercado
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Top pills at low prices
Dr. Natasha Anthony
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Top pills at low prices.
Tirade O. Stateside
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Tree
Tara Maldonado
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Turbo orgasm
Brittany Hendricks
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Turbo orgasm
Derek Diaz
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Turbo orgasm
Dr. Vanessa Curry
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Type
Steven Walton
- [Vtigercrm-commits] U won't believe!
Deborah Hays
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Vary
David Foreman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Want to be a hero in bed?
Hank Pratt
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Want to be perfect lover?
Rehabilitating B. Siege
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Want to be the best with your girlfriend?
Hippiest H. Vulcan
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Want to be the best with your girlfriend?
Praxiteles I. Counseled
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Want to cure yourself?
Friedrich Cervantes
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Want to cure yourself?
Dr. Zachary Wilkins
- [Vtigercrm-commits] We have everything you need
Dr. Ronald Cameron
- [Vtigercrm-commits] We have everything you need
Thomas Ramsey
- [Vtigercrm-commits] What's your opinion?
Dustin Hoover
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Where
Lisa Sherman
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Why
Federico Hebert
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Wing
Daniel Cash
- [Vtigercrm-commits] Wrong
Crystal Valdez
- [Vtigercrm-commits] your 100% health
Kayla B. Reentering
- [Vtigercrm-commits] your 100% health
Motown G. Hairdressing
Last message date:
Mon Oct 1 02:50:17 EDT 2007
Archived on: Tue Feb 2 03:24:33 EST 2010
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