[Vtigercrm-developers] Asterisk Connector & Asterisk 11

vtiger at camden.net vtiger at camden.net
Fri Aug 8 16:17:38 GMT 2014

checked secret for leading and post blanks... nonechanged secret to a simple secret just to be sure... same resultremoved post "/" of URL in connector config... same resultdeleting Vtiger and SQL tables to force run once setup with new version revision =14176, same result
I have not tried to blow the server away and start from nothing, I had to do this to go from 6.0 to 6.1, not sure why we already know there are issues with jsut updating via SVN, and you have to kill your tables and vtiger directory to force a run once install but its possible there are issues with even that

on the 8383 streamINFO: Successfully Authenticated Vtiger Secret Key
on the 4573 streamSEVERE: Failed to authenticate Vtiger Secret Key
click to call still results in calling of the CRM Extension, then get hung up on
Inbound callers get hung up on, no PoP, phones do not even ring
Question: Do you actually have a the asterisk connector and PBX Manager working and tested on any of your own installs? I was looking though internet blogs and forms and found comments suggesting that this is not working in On Demand version either
Back to my suggestion of scraping AGI and just use AMI, why
is vtiger even using AGI, its clear from these data streams you are using AGI to
access AMI, why?

If you are going to use AGI  you don't need to access
the AMI, and if you use AMI you don't need AGI, they are not meant to work together

AGI would be great for let's say, we wanted to create a
customer satisfaction survey and send callers to it after a call, and we want
the user input to tie vTiger, similar to how you're the web forums work, or we
wanted a call in app that allowed customers to call in and manager their own
vtiger records, like allow customers to call in and change their phone number
or address, then AGI would be great and required as AMI won't let us do those
type of things, and if that is where you are going with this then great, but that
should be a separate project/module from the PBX Manager that handles click to
call and caller POPs 

In this case vtiger does not need to own or control the
call, so we dont need AGI, all its trying to do is:

1.) Click to call app

AMI is best suited for this, very simple command, and you
guys where closer to this prior to the 14176, you just had Exten set to the CRM
Phone Extension so it was trying to call itself, I could see the commands being

Action: Originate

Channel: {CRM Phone Extension from My Preferences}

Context: {Context from PBX Manager Settings}

Exten: {Number Clicked On}

CallerID: "Calling" & {Number Clicked On} & "from

Priority: 1

Timeout: 30000

Variable: var1=23|var2=24|var3=25

ActionID: {optional for error handling}

2.) Monitor for Incoming calls so we can grab callerID and
search vtiger for records and make a POP

Again AMI is best suited for this all you have to do is keep
the AMI connection open, it will close due to inactivity, that's not a AMI
problem that's in the network layer so you need to constantly check if the
connection is open and reconnect if not, you can send a "Action: Ping" every
few minutes to help minimize the drops, it's really not difficult and virtually
all the call monitoring applications both open source and commercial use
AMI to do this, not AGI 

>From there all you need to do is pull out the "Event: Newstate"
and "Event: Hangup" packets to inspect the packet attributes 

Please see my suggestion email on 8-5-2014, if you need further help, I have everything you need coded and working in Visual Basic, I would be happy to provide you with the code, you will have to translate to Java, assuming you would stick with java for the connector which is fine, though you probably could do same in PHP and not waste all the system resources java uses

In response to your response from that email

There are no new settings under my preferences for
ReceivingIncommingCalls and MakingOutgoingCalls, even after a forced re-install
of rev. 14176

Some users might want click to call function but not
callerID POPs so simply removing the CRM Phone Extenion settings is a bad way
to control if POP should occur

Some users will want the POP on ring and others will want on
answer, so this option should be given

User should be able to define how long the POP stays up.
trust me if you hard code it, some will say it stays up too long, and other
will stay it goes away to fast, you will never find a settings for this that
makes everyone happy, so let them set it

That's great there is a close button on the POP, but it
should only close the pop for that instance, it should not permanently close only
for that user as you suggested


From: "Rishab K" <rishab.k at vtiger.com>
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 2:05 AM
To: vtiger at camden.net
Subject: [Vtigercrm-developers] Asterisk Connector & Asterisk 11 


>From the snapshot which was sent in previous mail, it looks like all the configuration that has been done are correct. I want one last thing to be verified from your end both in Vtiger and Connector config file.
In PBXManager settings under Vtiger Secret Key field, make sure there are no empty spaces in starting and ending of the key. 
In Connector config file under VtigerSecretKey field, make sure there are no empty spaces at the end of the key. 
In Connector config file under VtigerURL field, remove the slash that is added at the end of the URL. 
Please verify and make this changes, once done please restart the connector. 

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