[Vtigercrm-developers] Enhancement to vtiger_crmentityrel

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Tue Aug 26 08:23:20 GMT 2014

My recommendation would be to create a new module to reflect the 
relation. With a new module you won't have to touch any base code nor 
extend anything and you will be in a perfect position to add custom 
information relevant to the relation if needed. For example, when they 
ask you to do reports on the relation or to add some additional 
information (simply new fields).

I wouldn't modify _crmentityrel for what you are asking

my $0.02

El 26/08/14 a las #4, Alan Lord (News) escribió:
> Further to the discussion kicked off by Istvan "A question on 
> vtiger_crmentityrel table in vtiger 6.1 beta", I've recently come 
> across a requirement for a customer that is going to mean some 
> modifications to this n:n relationship table...
> Basically, from a custom module they need two distinct sets of n:n 
> relationships but with the same module.
> We need to be able to flag that one type of relationship is called a 
> "Signpost" and another would be known as a "Referral".
> So I'm thinking to add a column to the crmentityrel to hold this 
> descriptive name like a "type" column or something then create some 
> custom get_related_list() functions to retrieve the right 
> relationships for each related list and also handle the add/select 
> buttons correctly too...
> Just wanted to mention this in case it has come up with anyone else 
> before...
> Cheers
> Al

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