[Vtigercrm-developers] Enhancement to vtiger_crmentityrel

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 08:02:22 GMT 2014

Further to the discussion kicked off by Istvan "A question on 
vtiger_crmentityrel table in vtiger 6.1 beta", I've recently come across 
a requirement for a customer that is going to mean some modifications to 
this n:n relationship table...

Basically, from a custom module they need two distinct sets of n:n 
relationships but with the same module.

We need to be able to flag that one type of relationship is called a 
"Signpost" and another would be known as a "Referral".

So I'm thinking to add a column to the crmentityrel to hold this 
descriptive name like a "type" column or something then create some 
custom get_related_list() functions to retrieve the right relationships 
for each related list and also handle the add/select buttons correctly 

Just wanted to mention this in case it has come up with anyone else 



Libertus Solutions

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