[Vtigercrm-developers] Asterisk Good News

vtiger at camden.net vtiger at camden.net
Wed Aug 20 01:36:16 GMT 2014

after starting from scratch the Asterisk Connector and PBX Manager are 
working consistently with one minor issue
click to call:
when you call out the person you call sees caller ID as them self
I click my cell phone number, my extension rings, I answer my extension and 
Asterisk calls my cell
my cell phone rings, but the callerID on my cell is saying I am getting a 
incoming call from my cell, when it should be the default outbound CID of 
my extension
the call does connect, just has the wrong callerID
on phones that support both Cname and CiD, the CID still comes up as the 
person you are calling see the CID as them selfs but
the Cname is set to the Display Name of the Extension which is technically 
correct but the whole callerID string should be set to the Outbound CID 
string of the extensions settings
most companies will have the display name as the person real name or just 
the extensions number where outbound CID will be "NAME"<NUMBER> of how the 
company wants outside callers to see the callerID info 

for those that are going to ask how we got it to work
you must be on rev 14179 or higher, you must also update PBX Manager
you need to have
[vtiger_outbound]exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://
in extensions.conf and outbound context in PBX Manager also set to 
"vtiger_outbound"actually as long as both match it will work
the outbound trunk is the name of your trunk in Asterisk to use for 
outbound calling, keep in mind Asterisk has a general settings and a 
outbound settings for each trunk both have trunk name and they must match
for inbound even though we tried to set default context to "vtiger_inbound" 
in asterisk we never got the AGI to fire from there and for us it broke 
other stuff, we put "exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://" into 
the from-internal context in extensions.conf as that is our default context 
and it works just fine
yes that is correct you will have 2 contexts in extensions.conf both with 
"exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://"

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