[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Re: Vtiger 6.1 - for production

Vic Cekvenich vic.cvc at gmx.com
Sun Aug 17 22:04:28 GMT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 6.1 - for production
Date: 	Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:50:49 +0700
From: 	SIAM Translations <info at siam-translations.com>
Reply-To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
To: 	Vtigercrm Developers <vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com>

Blazej, publish patched version of 6.1. It might generate great traffic 
on your website with all advantages of it....


On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:34 PM, IT-Solutions4You <info at its4you.sk 
<mailto:info at its4you.sk>> wrote:

    I think it's very time consuming to upgrade all customers from 6.1
    SVN version (with own path) to 6.1 stable. Yes, you are a company
    with big vtiger experience, but another vtiger provider without
    programming knowledge ? I think they have to wait.

    Dňa 30. 7. 2014 16:06 Pabiszczak, Błażej  wrote / napísal(a):

        Curently, we're using only 6.1. version for customers (since about 2
        months) with our own patches. We can't imagine to work with 6.0
        or 5.4

        Z poważaniem / Regards
        Błażej Pabiszczak
        M: +48.884999123
        E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>
        <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.__pl
        <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>>

        2014-07-30 14:49 GMT+02:00 IT-Solutions4You
        <info at its4you.sk <mailto:info at its4you.sk>
        <mailto:info at its4you.sk <mailto:info at its4you.sk>>>:

             1/ Please, do not use 6.1  for production environment.

             2/ http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-____bin/trac.cgi


             Dňa 30. 7. 2014 14:41 Sutharsan Jeganathan  wrote / napísal(a):


                 I have managed to use vtiger 6.1 (with few fixes at my
        end) for
                 few of
                 my clients. Recently I am thinking to recommend this to
        one more

                 1. I am not sure whether it has a final release and Can
        I recommend
                 vtiger 6.1 ( I remember this was not recommended for
        production, but
                 expected to be released end of June)

                 2. How I can check the current/ ongoing bugs/ bug fixes
        of 6.1?

                 Sutharsan Jeganathan






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