[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Re: Cooperation - part 2

Vic Cekvenich vic.cvc at gmx.com
Sun Aug 17 22:05:17 GMT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Cooperation - part 2
Date: 	Sat, 2 Aug 2014 18:44:01 +0530
From: 	Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com>
Reply-To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com 
<vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com>

@Marco, @Matteo, Thanks for the comments

    /Stability, Clear Full Api, Security, Easy customization are the
    primary needs of the dev community,/

That is a good high level list.  I added Performance and Distribution to 
it. Much work has gone into these already, and more work is ahead of us. 
We hope you will see 6.1 score higher on all these areas.

Stability           - We are in a better position now than 6 months ago 
with expanded test suite, some of which is automated.
API                  - 6.1 includes API improvements (ex: Get related 
Entities <http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/8167#ticket>, 
Label in vtws_retrieve 
Performance   - 6.1 has many performance improvements (ex: Alan's 
suggestion on to_html 
Security          - We are deploying fixes for the critical issues 
through security patches.
Customization - Ex: 6.1 has easy theme selection from Menu bar,
Distribution     - Listing and 1 click installation of verified 
extensions through extension store inside CRM

    /Create a working group does not mean "steal" your leadership but
    join forces, currently many resources available in the community are
    lost because vtiger guys does not have time to follow./


    /For example: Italian translation, it's completed in trac (created
    by my team and Simone Travaglini) but Vt6.1 still has a translation
    done with google translator. Why should I pay employees in order to
    continue (or expand) our contribute to Vtiger? /

It is clear that having more hands can reduce any misses like this. 
Also, moving to github/gitlab setup could reduce friction in taking 
contributions. I couldn't find more about the role the community council 
plays on Zimbra / OwnCloud. If you have any links, please share here.


On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Marco Roello <marco.roello at gmail.com 
<mailto:marco.roello at gmail.com>> wrote:

    My feeling is that VT Team is trying to improve the product, but
    with a wrong perspective. VT On demand has been a good strategy, and
    allows the team to add features and resolve bugs quickly. The idea
    of a marketplace is indeed good. The problem is: community
    developers have a strong set of tools to build modules for the
    store? How much VT is customizable? How many old bugs are still
    unresolved? 6.0 version  has too many small 'black holes',  and 6.1
    release should focus on the resolution of them. My opinion is that
    the release cycle of the product is too slow because VT developers
    use a top-down strategy, keeping the community in the margin, and
    generating hundres of micro-forks, loosing hundred of opportunities
    for the Vtiger product to grow.

    Stability, Clear Full Api, Security, Easy customization are the
    primary needs of the dev community, then the marketplace will take off!!

    VTiger is a great product and could be even better... Thanks for
    your efforts, VTeam

    Il 01/ago/2014 16:09 "Matteo Baranzoni" <info at greenbitweb.com
    <mailto:info at greenbitweb.com>> ha scritto:

        @Sreenivas Owncloud inc, Zimbra inc, Zentyal S.L.
        are commercial company that work with community using a
        community council.

        Create a working group does not mean "steal" your leadership but
        join forces, currently many resources available in the community
        are lost because vtiger guys does not have time to follow.
        For example: Italian translation, it's completed in trac
        (created by my team and Simone Travaglini) but Vt6.1 still has a
        translation done with google translator. Why should I pay
        employees in order to continue (or expand) our contribute to

        2014-08-01 15:35 GMT+02:00 Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com
        <mailto:svk at vtiger.com>>:


                /why not create a governance such as other open source
                projects (like owncloud, libreoffice)? A community
                council with vtiger guys, opensaas, its4you, Alan, Joe
                that plan future of vtiger and keep up to date the
                code, accept proposals, check submitted code etc.
                Possibly moving on github and using the powerful tools
                provided by this platform!/

            Vtiger is a commercial company. Vtiger Open source edition
            is instrumental for our success. We always believed that
            there is money to be made by providing affordable (even
            free) software to businesses. Since our business depends on
            it, it is important for us to be able to chart the course of
            the open source product. At the same time, there might be
            better ways to collaborate than what we are doing today
            (mostly via  this list). We plan to move from SVN to
            github/gitlab  later this year. (trac issues migration is
            one of the tasks we want to complete).


            Thanks for sharing your comments.

                A few years ago (when the motto was "The only truly open
                source CRM" ), I tried forming a business around
                implementing CRM solutions for clients.

                Different markets require specific customizations. I
                would suggest having a  "core" crm engine and let the
                community build modules around it, given different
                business scenarios

            Vtiger Open Source has enabled many such vertical solutions.
            Joe's CoreBOS Law and Medical editions are recent examples.
            Joe is able to release them with a proprietary license
            because Vtiger's MPL based open source license is truly
            open. (GPL license would have forced Joe to release them
            under GPL)


            On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:05 PM, Mutuku Ndeti
            <jnmutuku at gmail.com <mailto:jnmutuku at gmail.com>> wrote:

                Let me start by saying thank you for the work done with

                I would like to add my voice here too. A few years ago
                (when the motto was "The only truly open source CRM" ),
                I tried forming a business around implementing CRM
                solutions for clients.

                My first implementation, with some customization (5.0)
                wowed the client (who had been using excel sheets and
                had failed in trying out customizing sugarcrm).

                After that it was a uphill task due to lack of
                documentation / community support / Road Map. I was not
                confident about direction /  documentation, so I gave
                up, changed the business and started implementing drupal
                solution (more open active community). I even
                implemented basic crm using it. I like the drupal model
                (they have the commercial Acquia and the very open
                source drupal). There is a lot of documentation and
                freedom. I don't mind donating to the community because
                my business is fully founded on drupal solutions.

                That said, I keep coming back and testing vtiger because
                I see a local market for custom CRMs. What I find every
                time is that Vtiger is becoming more closed that open.

                To cut the long story short :-

                1. I think there should be a clear road map (so that
                users /  integrators are not left in the dark). With
                every "curveball", Vtiger looses users / a market
                2. I think Vtiger should adopt a fully open source model
                (with some form of governance). I really like the drupal
                model (where there is a "core" and users build modules
                around it. From time to time, the governance decides
                what should be included in core)  You can an have a
                commercial offshoot (We all need to pay the bills)
                3. Different markets require specific customizations. I
                would suggest having a  "core" crm engine and let the
                community build modules around it, given different
                business scenarios


                On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 7:40 PM, SIAM Translations
                <info at siam-translations.com
                <mailto:info at siam-translations.com>> wrote:

                    Let's see response :-)


                    On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Matteo Baranzoni
                    <info at greenbitweb.com <mailto:info at greenbitweb.com>>

                        why not create a governance such as other open
                        source projects (like owncloud, libreoffice)?
                        A community council with vtiger guys, opensaas,
                        its4you, Alan, Joe that plan future of vtiger
                        and keep up to date the code, accept proposals,
                        check submitted code etc. Possibly moving on
                        github and using the powerful tools provided by
                        this platform!

                        2014-07-30 17:29 GMT+02:00 Sreenivas Kanumuru
                        <svk at vtiger.com <mailto:svk at vtiger.com>>:

                            Thanks for sharing your thoughts,  Blazej. I
                            do understand your time is precious and
                            appreciate you taking the time to provide it

                            Your points A-G refer to our decision to
                            remove the 'install from file' option and to
                            add the feature to encrypt the extension
                            file. We did it for the following reasons

                             1. Removing 'Install from File' option - to
                                protect users
                             2. Encrypt the Extension - to empower
                                developers (as Matus noted, some
                                developers might want it)

                            Certain assumptions we made were not on the
                            mark. We shared the preview here in the
                            developers list to ensure we get it right.
                            We are taking feedback and making corrections.

                                   1. Add 'Install from File' option  - done
                                   2. Allow Free extensions installation
                            without loader - pending to be done shortly

                            *2 + 20 developers*

                            While we have 2 dedicated resources for
                            trac, we have 20+ other developers
                            contributing to improvements to the product
                            (list view search is an example that was
                            deployed to 6.1 branch recently, many more
                            improvements are integrated into 6.1)

                            *2 Business Days*

                                /If you don’t believe, I can send you
                                modules, and you can try to publish them
                                in two days./

                            I mentioned that "we will respond to new
                            submissions in 2 business days.". I meant
                            that we will review and approve or reply to
                            the developer. So, you are right for complex
                            modules we might need more time to review.
                            But, our goal is to respond with our
                            findings within 2 business days.

                            *Encouraging Developers*

                                /You have done everything you could to
                                discourage us from continuing our
                                dialogue and from your product./

                            I am sorry you see it that way, but our
                            efforts are to only make Vtiger open source
                            more stronger and to empower developers.

                            I welcome your feedback. Though critical, I
                            know it is coming from a well intended mind.


                            On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Maik
                            Standtke <maikst at gmail.com
                            <mailto:maikst at gmail.com>> wrote:

                                2014-07-30 15:45 GMT+02:00 Pabiszczak,
                                Błażej <b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
                                <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>>:


                                    You have done everything you could
                                    to discourage us from continuing our
                                    dialogue and from your product.






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