[Vtigercrm-developers] Asterisk Connector & Asterisk 11

vtiger at camden.net vtiger at camden.net
Fri Aug 1 20:14:21 GMT 2014

hello, thanks in advance for your help, is the Asterisk Connector for 6.1 
compatible with Asterisk 11
I have 
PhP 5.4
Asterisk 11
AMI 1.3
FreePBX 2.11Vtiger 6.1

when I click to call out of Vtiger my extension rings, when I pick up it 
tries to connect the call to its self (am am sent to my own busy VM, rather 
than number clicked on)
when I watch data from webapp.sh its says
unsupported Asterisk Call Manager/1.3 use at own riskNo event class 
registered for event type 'fullybooted'Successfully logged inDetermined 
Asterisk version: Asterisk 1.6Sending call originate request to 
asteriskContext:from-internalFrom: 101 -> To: XXXXXXXXXX  //where 
XXXXXXXXXX = the number clicked in vtigerOutgoing Call Response: 
SuccessAsterisk Response: Originate successfully queued
then I get a lot of 
Unable to set property 'connectedlinenum'

I have Activa for Asterisk install and click to call from outlook works 
fine, so I know its not a calling commands from the AMI that is a 
probelm... yes I have shut this down to make sure it was not interfering 
with the vtiger connector

I get absolutely nothing in vtiger on a inbound attempt, no pop-up, I dont 
see any data viewing the webapp.sh
I have seen in post the connector is for 1.8, but also seen it should work 
with 11, no info on what AMI version

any help would be appreciated

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