[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Getting vtiger working with our company / development possible

Sreenivas Kanumuru svk at vtiger.com
Mon May 11 23:47:49 PDT 2009


I responded to your items below.

(1) Will we be able to run vtiger with MS SQL-database in order to sync
contacts between vtiger and existing database? Alternative would be
PostgreSQL, but MySQL is not considered to be a serious DBMS by my company.

The standard distribution works only with MySQL. We can port it to work with
PostgreSQL and offer it as a customization service.

 (2) Can vtiger interact with an Exchange server for mail besides generic

No. vtiger CRM supports IMAP for incoming email, and SMTP for outgoing

(3) Are there any translations for the CRM integration for Outlook or
Office? I already have a German web interface but buttons in Outlook are in
English per default and I didn't find any language files...

We do not have localized version of the Outlook and Office plugin. We will
need to provide a customized plugin after changing the text strings.

As per the other requirement you listed, we can customize the vtiger CRM
installation to copy the data into the ERP when the prospect becomes a


Sreenivas Kanumuru
vtiger Team

Sunnyvale, California

Office: +1 (408) 733-3229
Cell: +1 (408) 836-5810
Skype: skanumuru

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:35 AM, Daniel Böhmer <db at klopfer.com> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Daniel Böhmer" <db at klopfer.com>
> To: <vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com>
> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:13:22 +0200
> Subject: Fwd: Getting vtiger working with our company / development
> possible
> Hello mailing list,
> this is my first posting here and I'd like to ask some basic questions in
> order to consider if vtiger is worth spending more time looking for the
> right CRM system.
> I am working for a general system house in Germany which is currently
> looking for a new system for managing contacts and articles. Most important
> points are MS Office integration and integration into an existing software
> for managing articles, offers and bills. At this time we are discussing
> several possible solutions including MS Dynamics CRM, an upgrade for our
> existing software or something else.
> Yesterday I found out about vtiger. Its integration in Outlook catched my
> interest and makes it unique along all those free CRM which are mostly
> web-based.
> Now I consider implementing a test environment with vtiger and want to make
> clear some basic points. I have done this with MS CRM before -- it promised
> everything (including buzzwords like "raise your productivity", "lower your
> costs" etc.) and didn't work at all... Therefore I am pretty happy having
> found a free CMS based on programming languages I speak. Now please help me
> by answering the following questions:
> (1) Will we be able to run vtiger with MS SQL-database in order to sync
> contacts between vtiger and existing database? Alternative would be
> PostgreSQL, but MySQL is not considered to be a serious DBMS by my company.
> (2) Can vtiger interact with an Exchange server for mail besides generic
> IMAP and SMTP?
> (3) Are there any translations for the CRM integration for Outlook or
> Office? I already have a German web interface but buttons in Outlook are in
> English per default and I didn't find any language files...
> To point out which workflow we want to implement I will describe it in
> short:
> Potential customers are stored in the CRM and get marketing mails and
> individual offers. One the day or the other a customer decides to accept one
> offer and calls a random employee at our company. Now this employee must be
> able to see all communication with that person in the past, especially the
> offer the customer wants to accept. Once a potential customer becomes a real
> customer we want to port him to the existing (ERP?) system in order to
> manage bills etc. For this step we image a single button in the CRM like
> "open this customer in ERP". When clicked this should copy the dataset to
> the ERP and afterwards we can handle this customer there.
> I am able and motivated to implement DB porting and data transfer as well
> as new GUI elements. The big question is whether vtiger meets our general
> needs. Please help me to give my boss a general outlook on what advantages
> vtiger offers and how long work will take. If our goals match I apply as
> free developer for implementing missing features and publishing code
> afterwards.
> Thanks for reading this long posting. I apologize for uncertain questions
> and spell as well as grammar mistakes -- it's Friday afternoon here and I
> had some pretty frustrating week with MS CRM:-)
> Kind regards
> Daniel Böhmer
> klopfer datennetzwerk gmbh, Germany
> _______________________________________________
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