[Vtigercrm-developers] Roadmap 6.5 and 7

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Fri Apr 29 09:15:09 GMT 2016

thank you, noted.

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On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk> wrote:

> On 29/04/16 07:02, Preexo wrote:
>> Alan Bell-6 wrote
>>> >but I got a heap of merges accepted on
>>> >code.vtiger.com over the past few days, so I am not too distressed at
>>> >the moment.
>> I just saw that on code.vtiger.com and it made my day! I will commit a
>> few
>> more things in the next few weeks as well and hope for the best,
> worth noting for the vtiger folk that the best way to motivate people to
> contribute more stuff is to review issues and action merges in a reasonable
> timescale, (accepting or rejecting is fine, leaving it is not so good) if I
> have 10 outstanding merge requests sitting there with no feedback I am not
> going to do much more, but if they get merged then I am going to try and
> fill up the queue again, and if they get rejected I am going to fix them
> and try again.
> Sometimes what is needed on an issue is a little discussion about the
> right way to fix it before someone can go ahead and do the work and propose
> a merge - especially for situations like this one:
> http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/issues/184 where I want a feature
> I know is in the on-demand and I can implement in the open source, but that
> is a bit of a redundant effort (actually I already did it for a customer so
> not too much extra effort) and I think it just makes merging harder in the
> future.
> Alan.
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