[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger + Asterisk Incoming Popup problem.

Vladimir Karažija vladimir at kosacrta.hr
Wed Sep 30 09:12:03 GMT 2015

What SIP client are you using, maybe it is possible to adjust that incoming
calls are only accepted from your extension, because you must allow
incoming calls for click to call to work.

And vtiger calls from your extension to make outgoing call.

This is something I will need to test to see what solution is best or even

Yes, agi scripts takes full control and that is the problem.

regards, Vladimir

Vladimir Karažija
Kosa crta d.o.o.
Jagnedje 1
10090 Zagreb
OIB: 57724075047

t. +385 1 777 33 85
m. +385 91 122 0511

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, it is true, and it is a problem because I want that only 1 extension
> can answer to the incoming calls.
> Into PBX I've an inbound route that have as destination the 104 extension,
> but seems to be ignored and all extensions rings.
> How I can solve the issue in your opinion?
> 2015-09-30 9:47 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>> Try to setup two or more users in vtiger & extensions and then make
>> incoming call (from external number).
>> You will see popup in all users logged in vtiger and all extensions will
>> be ringing.
>> regards, Vladimir
>> Vladimir Karažija
>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>> Jagnedje 1
>> 10090 Zagreb
>> OIB: 57724075047
>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>> www.kosacrta.hr
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 9:35 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 2015-09-29 19:24 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>>>> Great to be of help ;) When you visit Croatia, just let me know ;)
>>> Of course! :D
>>>> Just to be clear, with this setup you get incoming call popup for
>>>> external calls and you have working click to call for outgoing calls from
>>>> vtiger?
>>> Yes.
>>>> To be honest, never tested internal calls for incoming call popup on
>>>> vtiger 6.3 version...
>>>> This is probably because internal calls are handled by from-internal
>>>> context and are not in context where agi script is catching calls.
>>>> You will have another problem with incoming calls, all extensions will
>>>> be ringing and all users will get popup. This is known "bug" or "feature".
>>> What do you means exactly when you tell me about this bug?
>>>> regards, Vladimir
>>>> Vladimir Karažija
>>>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>>>> Jagnedje 1
>>>> 10090 Zagreb
>>>> OIB: 57724075047
>>>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>>>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>>>> www.kosacrta.hr
>>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Michele Mastropieri <
>>>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Moving agi script from [from-internal] to [from-trunk] into
>>>>> extensions.conf made me able to get incoming popup! And for this I'll offer
>>>>> a beer :-)
>>>>> My context for sip phone extensions is [from-internal].
>>>>> Changed outbound trunk with trunk name for external calls.
>>>>> Yes, I use SIP trunk for external calls.
>>>>> The internal calls do not appears into incoming popup. Only from
>>>>> external sip trunk. Why?
>>>>> 2015-09-29 16:48 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> my configuration is different but works.
>>>>>> Do you have [from-trunk] context in your extensions.conf ?
>>>>>> This is where I put agi script for incoming call popup. Not in the
>>>>>> from-internal, remove agi script [from-internal] context.
>>>>>> Also what is your phone extension context? It should be
>>>>>> from-internal.
>>>>>> And in Provider configuration in PBX manager change Outbound trunk to
>>>>>> trunk name that you use for external calls.
>>>>>> You use SIP trunk for external calls?
>>>>>> Vladimir Karažija
>>>>>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>>>>>> Jagnedje 1
>>>>>> 10090 Zagreb
>>>>>> OIB: 57724075047
>>>>>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>>>>>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>>>>>> www.kosacrta.hr
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
>>>>>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> If I click-to-call from vtiger, the call is placed out. The problem
>>>>>>> is that no incoming call popup appears! Please help me if you have some
>>>>>>> minutes.
>>>>>>> <<<<Vtiger Asterisk Server Details:>>>>
>>>>>>> Vtiger Asterisk App URL
>>>>>>> Outbound Context vtiger
>>>>>>> Outbound Trunk from-internal
>>>>>>> Vtiger Secret Key 38270845255
>>>>>>> <<<<end details>>>>
>>>>>>> <<<<VtigerAsteriskConnector.properties>>>>
>>>>>>> // Location where the application server will be running.
>>>>>>> ServerIP   =
>>>>>>> ServerPort = 8383
>>>>>>> // Call Recordings storage path
>>>>>>> StorageDir = /VtigerAsteriskConnector
>>>>>>> // Enable(true) or Disable(false) call recordings
>>>>>>> Recording = true
>>>>>>> // Location where the applications database files will be stored.
>>>>>>> AsteriskAppDBPath = /VtigerAsteriskConnector
>>>>>>> // Asterisk Server Details
>>>>>>> AsteriskServerPublicIP =
>>>>>>> AsteriskServerIP   =
>>>>>>> AsteriskServerPort = 5038
>>>>>>> AsteriskUsername   = admin
>>>>>>> AsteriskPassword   = 123456
>>>>>>> // Vtiger CRM URL
>>>>>>> VtigerURL =
>>>>>>> VtigerSecretKey = 38270845255
>>>>>>> //Enable(true) or Disable(false) Asterisk Events and Database Logs
>>>>>>> in Connector
>>>>>>> AsteriskLog = true
>>>>>>> DatabaseLog = true
>>>>>>> <<<<VtigerAsteriskConnector.properties>>>>
>>>>>>> <<<<manager.conf>>>>
>>>>>>> [general]
>>>>>>> enabled = yes
>>>>>>> port = 5038
>>>>>>> bindaddr =
>>>>>>> displayconnects=no ;only effects 1.6+
>>>>>>> [admin]
>>>>>>> secret = 123456
>>>>>>> deny =
>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>> read =
>>>>>>> system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
>>>>>>> write =
>>>>>>> system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
>>>>>>> writetimeout = 5000
>>>>>>> #include manager_additional.conf
>>>>>>> #include manager_custom.conf
>>>>>>> <<<<end manager.conf>>>>
>>>>>>> <<<<extensions.conf (interested parts)>>>>
>>>>>>> [vtiger]
>>>>>>> exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://
>>>>>>> [from-internal]
>>>>>>> include => from-internal-noxfer
>>>>>>> include => from-internal-xfer
>>>>>>> include => bad-number
>>>>>>> exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://
>>>>>>> <<<<end extension.conf>>>>
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>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
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