[Vtigercrm-developers] Product prices with VAT

Vladimir Karažija vladimir at kosacrta.hr
Tue Sep 22 21:21:35 GMT 2015

Hi all,

stupid me.. it was simpler then I thought... solution is at the end of this

but I got another problem

I need to display totals outside product block:

- Total incl TAX without discount
- Total discount amount incl TAX

How to do this when I cannot use product fields outside product block


to display prices with VAT I created custom field for Price incl. VAT and
this custom field is used as static field without calculations

I created this product block template:


regards, Vladimir

Vladimir Karažija
Kosa crta d.o.o.
Jagnedje 1
10090 Zagreb
OIB: 57724075047

t. +385 1 777 33 85
m. +385 91 122 0511

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>

> thnx Matus,
> to display prouduct price with VAT I am using Product price with TAX
> When it gets complicated is when you calculate discount, because discount
> is calculated on List price and not on the Product price with TAX.
> The logic of discount is problem. Discount is always calculated on List
> price.
> If discount can be calculated on Product price with TAX then I could
> achieve what I want.
> This requires custom work on vtiger side I think.
> Because this is Retail related feature are there possible vtiger users
> that would like this feature implemented?
> V.
> Vladimir Karažija
> Kosa crta d.o.o.
> Jagnedje 1
> 10090 Zagreb
> OIB: 57724075047
> t. +385 1 777 33 85
> m. +385 91 122 0511
> www.kosacrta.hr
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 2:57 PM, IT-Solutions4You <info at its4you.sk> wrote:
>> In PDF Maker you can choose this values:
>> http://www.its4you.sk/en/pdf-maker/manual/21-pdf-maker/manual/66-editing-mapping
>> Subtotal        Price without TAX before discount, by Tax Mode: group =
>> Net Total
>> Total discount  Final Discount amount
>> Total discount (%)      Final Discount in %
>> Total without TAX       Total price without TAX after discount
>> TAX     Total TAX amount
>> TAX (%) Total TAX in %
>> TAX block       This is useful for some countries, that need to have the
>> detail amount of TAX
>> Total with TAX  Total price with TAX
>> Shipping & Handling taxes       Final taxes for Shipping & Handling
>> Shipping & Handling amount      Final amount for Shipping & Handling
>> Adjustment      Adjustment from vtiger form Grand Total Grand Total from
>> vtiger form
>> Matus
>> Dňa 22. 9. 2015 o 10:59 Vladimir Karažija napísal(a):
>>> Hi Alan,
>>> thnx for bug info.. I think this was an issue in 5.4 version also?
>>> regarding PDF Maker.. I think all logic in vtiger is towards wholesale
>>> business model and what I need is retail logic...
>>> retail customers are not interested in VAT amount.. they just want the
>>> retail price, discount and grand total.
>>> on the other hand, IRS (tax authority) wants and needs VAT specification
>>> by VAT percentage (you could have different VAT % in same invoice) and
>>> this needs to be expressed in VAT block
>>> so I need to express numbers for customers (only with VAT) and VAT
>>> amounts for IRS
>>> PDF Maker custom functions does not allow function inside function so I
>>> need to create new variables so I can calculate amounts.
>>> What comes to mind is just to add custom field that will express price
>>> with VAT and base all calculations on that value.
>>> Anyway retailers need to calculate prices with VAT so it is only one
>>> field that needs to be filled more.
>>> Any vtiger user with similar problems?
>>> V.
>>> Vladimir Karažija
>>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>>> Jagnedje 1
>>> 10090 Zagreb
>>> OIB: 57724075047
>>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>>> www.kosacrta.hr <http://www.kosacrta.hr>
>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Alan Lord
>>> <alanslists at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     On 21/09/15 22:56, Vladimir Karažija wrote:
>>>         Hi,
>>>         I want to show all calculations in product block with VAT but
>>>         still be
>>>         able to show VAT amount and percent in VAT block.
>>>     This is pretty nasty bug IMHO:
>>>     http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/8621
>>>     The Pre-tax Total always shows the same value as the total with
>>>     tax... Go figure?
>>>         I am using PDF Maker and do not know PHP so would need help.
>>>     So you want to print the values from the Product block. You
>>>     shouldn't need to know any PHP - all these values are available in
>>>     PDFMaker using the Product Block section...
>>>     See their example invoice etc...
>>>     Al
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