[Vtigercrm-developers] add custom field with uitype 10 field to calendar events module

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 10:54:18 GMT 2015

On 13/10/15 11:28, Preexo wrote:
> also I have problems with the buttons in the related list in my custom
> module. I don't want to show the "add task" button. But how do I get rid of
> it?

You need to comment out the Add Task item in the $calendarActionLinks 
array in the DetailView Model of *each* of the affected modules...

You will also need to "hack" the QuickCreate template file, the Vtiger 
RelationListView Model, and hide the vtiger_relatedlist entries for the 
"Calendar" tabid - not the "Events" tabid.

The Calendar is a bloody mess. :-D



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