[Vtigercrm-developers] cptiger - the new open source customer portal responsive for vtiger

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Fri Oct 24 02:50:05 GMT 2014


We are focusing on leveraging the Vtiger API end as well based
on the intent gathered for CustomerPortal.

More I think about access-control - I feel Portal should know
better what it is offering than CRM.


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On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 23/10/14 11:00, Simone Travaglini wrote:
>> Hi Prasad,
>> of course what you say it's true. But show project without milestone and
>> task for us is completly unusefull. So, for our experience, we decide
>> that is better the possiblity to share also milestone and task, also if
>> there is the problem you say. The best way can be achieved in next
>> version, maybe adding some field in CRM side (like contact to share
>> milestone and task) and use it to decide if show or not.
>> Do you agree with us?
> tl;dr: Contacts needs to have full Profiles basically.
> As we have discussed before, the whole Portal access control needs a bit
> of a rethink...
> we have a heavily customised Portal for one customer where they need the
> customer to be able to edit certain fields in one module (It's their Energy
> Supply meter information) and also to be able to create new records related
> to that module (in this case they need to submit Meter Readings).
> We've had to hack and modify the SOAP/Portal code to support this in
> rather a hardcoded way.
> If the Portal UI is going to get some love, then the access control at the
> vtiger-end also needs attention too ;-)
> No one can reasonably expect to understand all the use-cases users will
> have for the Portal therefore it needs to become as configurable as
> possible.
> Cheers
> Al
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