[Vtigercrm-developers] Colors on ListView

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Mon Jun 30 04:57:05 GMT 2014

My suggestion would be to handle the enhancements via extensions rather
than messing with core-files.
You many be interested in the examples

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On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 10:30 PM, Kristian Koci <kristian.koci at gmail.com>

> Hi, it's me again.
> I'm trying to re-use a code made for Accounting module 5.x, just a tiny
> part of it, because i need to show some fields with specific colors,
> depending on the state of a record on it.
> However, as far as i know, the tpl style class which controlls or
> specifies the field shown on ListView in every module it's the ListView.tpl
> from Vtiger default module. So it has completely changed from Vtiger 5.x.
> ie: listViewEntryValue
> How can i assign a color to that class in a custom module, if x or y field
> is in z state, for example?
> Should i do this the old way around on ListView.php or maybe on tpl custom
> file directly?
> I really don't know how to achieve this on Vtiger 6.x
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
> --
> Kristian Koci
> Cel. 0416 202 92 94
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