[Vtigercrm-developers] Colors on ListView

Kristian Koci kristian.koci at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 17:00:48 GMT 2014

Hi, it's me again.

I'm trying to re-use a code made for Accounting module 5.x, just a tiny
part of it, because i need to show some fields with specific colors,
depending on the state of a record on it.

However, as far as i know, the tpl style class which controlls or specifies
the field shown on ListView in every module it's the ListView.tpl from
Vtiger default module. So it has completely changed from Vtiger 5.x.

ie: listViewEntryValue

How can i assign a color to that class in a custom module, if x or y field
is in z state, for example?

Should i do this the old way around on ListView.php or maybe on tpl custom
file directly?

I really don't know how to achieve this on Vtiger 6.x

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

Kristian Koci
Cel. 0416 202 92 94

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