[Vtigercrm-developers] The list of all records from an entity vs the list of the related records
Jason.Ouellet at cspq.gouv.qc.ca
Jason.Ouellet at cspq.gouv.qc.ca
Thu Aug 28 15:20:17 GMT 2014
Here is a concern about Vtiger's behaviour when asking for the list of all records from an entity vs the list of the related records:
When a user is in an Organization record and asks for the list of the related Contacts, that list is displayed.
When he edits the information of one of those related Contacts and clicks on the Contacts List button, the list of all Contacts is displayed instead of the list of the related Contacts.
I believe that some users would expect to be redirected to the list of the related Contacts instead of the list of all Contacts, so is there a way to adapt that behaviour according to the context?
Maybe, we could add a variable (for instance parent_record) in the request suggesting that the user is coming from a parent entity and not from the Menu and consequently displaying the list of the related records.
Has this already been addressed by anyone?
That behaviour is the default behaviour for all related entities, not just Contacts and Organizations.
Jason Ouellet | Technicien en informatique | Centre de d?veloppement de solutions en ressources informationnelles - Rimouski
Centre de services partag?s du Qu?bec | 337, rue Moreault, Rimouski (Qu?bec) G5L 1P4
T?l. : 418 509-9649 | T?l?c. : 418 266-3262
jason.ouellet at cspq.gouv.qc.ca<mailto:jason.ouellet at cspq.gouv.qc.ca> | www.cspq.gouv.qc.ca<http://www.cspq.gouv.qc.ca>
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