[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: memcached

Vic Cekvenich vic.cvc at gmx.com
Sun Aug 17 22:01:11 GMT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Vtigercrm-developers] memcached
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:32:44 +0100
From: Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk>
Reply-To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com <vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com>

would I be right in thinking that the stuff in includes/runtime/cache is 
kind of a non-persistent cache that is discarded on every call, it makes 
things a touch more efficient, but if that had a memcached connector 
things might really start to pick up? Is there a plan to do that?


Libertus Solutions


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