[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Re: Cooperation - part 2

Vic Cekvenich vic.cvc at gmx.com
Sun Aug 17 22:04:30 GMT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Cooperation - part 2
Date: 	Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:13:53 +0200
From: 	Matteo Baranzoni <info at greenbitweb.com>
Reply-To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com

why not create a governance such as other open source projects (like 
owncloud, libreoffice)?
A community council with vtiger guys, opensaas, its4you, Alan, Joe that 
plan future of vtiger and keep up to date the code, accept proposals, 
check submitted code etc. Possibly moving on github and using the 
powerful tools provided by this platform!

2014-07-30 17:29 GMT+02:00 Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com 
<mailto:svk at vtiger.com>>:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts,  Blazej. I do understand your time
    is precious and appreciate you taking the time to provide it here.

    Your points A-G refer to our decision to remove the 'install from
    file' option and to add the feature to encrypt the extension file.
    We did it for the following reasons

     1. Removing 'Install from File' option - to protect users
     2. Encrypt the Extension - to empower developers (as Matus noted,
        some developers might want it)

    Certain assumptions we made were not on the mark. We shared the
    preview here in the developers list to ensure we get it right. We
    are taking feedback and making corrections.

           1. Add 'Install from File' option  - done
           2. Allow Free extensions installation without loader -
    pending to be done shortly

    *2 + 20 developers*

    While we have 2 dedicated resources for trac, we have 20+ other
    developers contributing to improvements to the product (list view
    search is an example that was deployed to 6.1 branch recently, many
    more improvements are integrated into 6.1)

    *2 Business Days*

        /If you don’t believe, I can send you modules, and you can try
        to publish them in two days./

    I mentioned that "we will respond to new submissions in 2 business
    days.". I meant that we will review and approve or reply to the
    developer. So, you are right for complex modules we might need more
    time to review. But, our goal is to respond with our findings within
    2 business days.

    *Encouraging Developers*

        /You have done everything you could to discourage us from
        continuing our dialogue and from your product./

    I am sorry you see it that way, but our efforts are to only make
    Vtiger open source more stronger and to empower developers.

    I welcome your feedback. Though critical, I know it is coming from a
    well intended mind.


    On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Maik Standtke <maikst at gmail.com
    <mailto:maikst at gmail.com>> wrote:

        2014-07-30 15:45 GMT+02:00 Pabiszczak, Błażej
        <b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>>:


            You have done everything you could to discourage us from
            continuing our dialogue and from your product.




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