[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Re: vtlib (6.1) creates entity module base table without primary key - BUG

Vic Cekvenich vic.cvc at gmx.com
Sun Aug 17 19:19:25 GMT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] vtlib (6.1) creates entity module 
base table without primary key - BUG
Date: 	Thu, 3 Jul 2014 18:05:48 +0530
From: 	Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com>
Reply-To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
To: 	Istvan Holbok <holbok at gmail.com>, 
"vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com" 
<vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com>


You are right - we had noticed the same and need for foreign key 
constraint as well
to ensure data is removed when entry from crmentity is done.

We will take care of it soon.


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On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Holbok István <holbok at gmail.com 
<mailto:holbok at gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear Vtiger Team,

    As I am involved in vtiger custom module development I am facing
    with several issues.

    One of them is, the bootstrap vtlib script creates entity module
    base table *without primary key* to table - and this is obviously a BUG.

    How to reproduce it:

    Use the script from the page:
    *Create the bootstrap vtlib script in root folder of Vtiger to
    activate the module entry.*

    Running the script (environment PHP 5.4.19, XAMPP Windows 8.1) you
    will get 2 tables in vtiger CRM. (Sorry for the Hungarian screen
    shoots, but my PHPMyadmin do not want to give screens in English in
    this moment :-), I hope the main data is shown. )
    *The base table without primary key:*


    Oszlop 	Típus 	Nulla 	Alapértelmezett 	Megjegyzések
    expensesid 	int(11)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    summary 	varchar(255)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    expenseon 	date	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    expenseamount 	varchar(255)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	


    Nincs meghatározott index!  (No indexes!)


    Oszlop 	Típus 	Nulla 	Alapértelmezett 	Megjegyzések
    expensesid 	int(11)	Nem 		


    Kulcsnév 	Típus 	Egyedi 	Csomagolt 	Oszlop 	Számosság 	Illesztés
    Nulla 	Megjegyzés
    PRIMARY 	BTREE 	Igen 	Nem 	expensesid 	0 	A 	Nem

    The custom field table with necessary primary key to table.

    The exported module manifest file also will not contain the primary key.

    I think due to this vtlib bug there are several variant of table
    usage. And this variation is independent from the usage of
    For example the Assets module (from the latest developments) has
    primary key in its base table:*


    Oszlop 	Típus 	Nulla 	Alapértelmezett 	Hivatkozás 	Megjegyzések
    assetsid 	int(11)	Nem 		vtiger_crmentity -> crmid 	
    asset_no 	varchar(30)	Nem 			
    account 	int(19)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    product 	int(19)	Nem 			
    serialnumber 	varchar(200)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    datesold 	date	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    dateinservice 	date	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    assetstatus 	varchar(200)	Igen 	In Service 		
    tagnumber 	varchar(300)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    invoiceid 	int(19)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    shippingmethod 	varchar(200)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    shippingtrackingnumber 	varchar(200)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    assetname 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    contact 	int(19)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		


    Kulcsnév 	Típus 	Egyedi 	Csomagolt 	Oszlop 	Számosság 	Illesztés
    Nulla 	Megjegyzés
    PRIMARY 	BTREE 	Igen 	Nem 	assetsid 	0 	A 	Nem

    *But the Project module has not primary key.*


    Oszlop 	Típus 	Nulla 	Alapértelmezett 	Megjegyzések
    projectid 	int(11)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    projectname 	varchar(255)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    project_no 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    startdate 	date	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    targetenddate 	date	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    actualenddate 	date	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    targetbudget 	varchar(255)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    projecturl 	varchar(255)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    projectstatus 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    projectpriority 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    projecttype 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    progress 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	
    linktoaccountscontacts 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 	


    Nincs meghatározott index!

    *The Pricebook also has primary key:*


    Oszlop 	Típus 	Nulla 	Alapértelmezett 	Hivatkozás 	Megjegyzések
    pricebookid 	int(19)	Nem 	0 	vtiger_crmentity -> crmid 	
    pricebook_no 	varchar(100)	Nem 			
    bookname 	varchar(100)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    active 	int(1)	Igen 	/NULL/ 		
    currency_id 	int(19)	Nem 	1 		


    Kulcsnév 	Típus 	Egyedi 	Csomagolt 	Oszlop 	Számosság 	Illesztés
    Nulla 	Megjegyzés
    PRIMARY 	BTREE 	Igen 	Nem 	pricebookid 	0 	A 	Nem

    My suggestion is to correct vtlib to create primary key for the base
    tables of modules.
    And use primary key to all table of vtiger CRM database.

    Kindest regards:


    *Holbok István*

    *e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com <mailto:holbok at gmail.com>
    *SkyPe:* holboki


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