[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Re: New Extensions Store! - Take a Tour

Vic Cekvenich vic.cvc at gmx.com
Sun Aug 17 18:55:50 GMT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] New Extensions Store! - Take a Tour
Date: 	Sat, 21 Jun 2014 11:00:31 +0700
From: 	Siam Translations LLP <info at siam-translations.com>
Reply-To: 	vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
To: 	Vtigercrm Developers <vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com>


I referring to the modules I created for 6.0 which handling now 
thousands of definitely necessary records.
In regard to command line issue - well, much bigger that vtiger apps 
handling both way: app store, and installation by browsing local 
resources (eg. joomla). If command line will be easy to use, I see no 
big problem except that it may limit opensource properties. I do 
understand your way, but maybe good warnings will force less experienced 
users to seize app store opportunities rather than experiments on crm?

Andrew Smith

Siam Translations LLP
www.siam-translations.com <http://www.siam-translations.com>

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On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com 
<mailto:svk at vtiger.com>> wrote:
 > Blazej,
 > Customers should have confidence that what is installed through 
Extensions store is verified, and will work fine. For this reason, we 
are not allowing unverified extensions in the Store.
 > The command line tool allows developers to test new modules and also 
useful to install custom modules developers do for specific customers. 
We know some generic extensions aren't module manager compatible because 
they change system files (due to API limitations or other reasons). We 
wanted to provide a way for users to install such modules by directly 
assessing the risk. The command line tool will come in handy for that.
 > Andrew,
 >> What about already installed custom modules? Will migration tool 
handle this part?
 > I assume you are referring to the updates through the Store. 
Extensions store will handle updates of extensions installed through the 
store. For modules installed through outside the store, the command line 
console tool will provide a way to update them..
 > Regards,
 > Sreenivas
 > On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 5:46 AM, SIAM Translations LLP 
<info at siam-translations.com <mailto:info at siam-translations.com>> wrote:
 >> What about already installed custom modules? Will migration tool 
handle this part?
 >> Andrew Smith
 >> On 21 Jun 2014, at 01:14, Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com 
<mailto:svk at vtiger.com>> wrote:
 >> Extensions Store will allow list verified, module manager compatible 
extensions. Administrators will still be able to install unverified 
extensions, through command line tool (we will be provide this with 6.1).
 >>> Is there a way to roll back?
 >> Yes, Users will be able to uninstall extensions installed through 
extensions store.
 >>> Good to add buttons leading to installed app in demo version. Good 
to see before buy :-)
 >> Thanks for the suggestions. It will be nice to allow users to try 
out the extension before buying. We want to make this possible, but it 
wont be in time for 6.1
 >> Regards,
 >> Sreenivas
 >> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 10:31 PM, SIAM Translations LLP 
<info at siam-translations.com <mailto:info at siam-translations.com>> wrote:
 >>> Prasad, cant see in demo button allowing installing own or 
unverified extensions (On own risk)
 >>> Will it be available ?
 >>> Regards
 >>> Andrew
 >>> Sent from my iPad
 >>> On 20 Jun 2014, at 22:16, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com 
<mailto:prasad at vtiger.com>> wrote:
 >>> With Vtiger 6.1, we are releasing an integrated extensions store 
and an online marketplace, to bridge the gap between developers and 
users. Extensions are just 1 click away!
 >>> Here is a quick tour - https://demo2.vtiger.com/marketplace
 >>> We have setup a demo here - https://demo2.vtiger.com
 >>> We'll be releasing this with 6.1 Validation Build by end of this month.
 >>> Please read on below for more details on the extensions store.
 >>> What is the need for Extensions Store?
 >>> App-Stores in mobile phones and recent desktop OSs have made 
installing apps as easy as a 1 click action. In comparison, the process 
to install an extension in Vtiger CRM is unwieldy.
 >>> 1. There was no place within product to browse and install 
extensions. Users had to search on the web and find extensions listed on 
different sites.
 >>> 2. For purchasing paid extensions, users had to do it directly from 
the individual websites of the publishers.
 >>> 3. The process of downloading the zip file and installing the 
extension is error-prone.
 >>> Extensions Store is designed to bring the simplicity of mobile 
app-stores to Vtiger users.
 >>> What are the benefits of extensions store?
 >>> For Users:
 >>> 1. 1 click install of commercial or free apps
 >>> 2. Confidence that apps are verified
 >>> 3. Contact info of publisher is available to user to reach out for 
 >>> 4. See Ratings and Reviews of extensions
 >>> For Developers:
 >>> 1. Get More users for your free and commercial extensions
 >>> 2. View who purchased your apps
 >>> 3. See Monthly and Daily revenue reports
 >>> How do i publish an extension to be listed on Store?
 >>> Developers can signup and publish extensions from publisher portal 
(under development)
 >>> Will my commercial apps be protected?
 >>> Yes. When publishing an extension you can choose to enable 
protection. Protected extensions are encrypted prior to distribution and 
are linked to the specific machine on which it is installed. The 
extension file will not work if it is copied to another machine.
 >>> How are payments handled?
 >>> Administrators should add payment method (major credit cards are 
accepted) in order to install commercial extensions. Vtiger relays the 
credit card details to Stripe.com and retains the customer id only ( 
Vtiger only stores the last 4 digits of the card for reference).
 >>> Stripe is a reputed payment processor and confirms to Credit card 
industry privacy and security guidelines.
 >>> What are the fees for listing on the Extensions store?
 >>> There is no listing fee. You decide the price of your extension. 
You get 75% of the revenue.
 >>> How will the money be transferred to developer?
 >>> We are able to pay via paypal or through direct wire transfer 
(wiring fees will be deducted). The payment will be made monthly, on the 
1st Tuesday of subsequent month.
 >>> Will Vtiger deduct Taxes?
 >>> We don't anticipate the need to collect taxes on top of the 
extension fee, or withhold tax before sending payment to developer. If 
any taxes are applicable, it will be the responsibility of the developer 
to pay taxes.
 >>> Can I see who installed my extensions?
 >>> Yes. Email address of the users will be listed on the Publishers portal
 >>> Can I push updates to my extensions?
 >>> Yes. You can publish the updates via the publishers portal, and 
users will be alerted to the presence of an updated version of the 
 >>> Regards,
 >>> Prasad
 >>> Vtiger Team
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