[Vtigercrm-developers] Database update

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 07:59:47 GMT 2014

Dear Community,

There are several Open Source projects working with*nightly (developer) 
builds also* between the stable versions.
Perhaps they use some automated process to create this builds.

Here is a sample: *Open Modelica* (I used this system several times for 
the HW related developing and in engineer tasks).
They hold the source (python) in SVN: 
They also use track.
And they provide nightly builds:
processed by an automated program in every night from the SVN pull.

I do not know it is possible to create some similar approach for the 
vtiger builds, but I think it worth to consider.
The automated build process should be created once and many problems 
resolved automatically.

Kindest regards:

2014.08.14. 9:26 keltezéssel, Alan Lord írta:
> On 13/08/14 17:15, Zebra Hosting wrote:
>> It has been asked before (and I still have no solution)
>> Again in the updates from today I see the migration 6.00 to 6.10 has
>> changed so I assume there has been changes in the DB tables.
> Can't you just do a diff of the schema file and the data populator to 
> see what has been changed?
> Al
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