[Vtigercrm-developers] Dropdown Fields in Popup Selection Forms

Michael Lockwood michael at lockwood.us.com
Wed Aug 13 20:02:42 GMT 2014

In vTiger 5.4, when you would click the "Select Contact" button to assign
contacts to various records (Organizations, Quotes, etc), a popup window
with a form would be displayed.  In that window, you were presented with a
text box in which you could type in various things and search to bring up
the desired contact's record.  In vTiger 5.4, the default dropdown search
field was "Last Name".  But, in vTiger 6.0, it's "Salutation".  How can I
make it Last Name like in vTiger 5.4?

Also, when you type in the person's last name in 5.4 and hit ENTER, it
would perform the search.  But, in vTiger 6.0, you have to actually click
the magnifying glass (Search) with the mouse.  Can the ENTER feature be
enabled in 6.0 somehow as well, it's a real time saver?

*Here's a sample screen shot of the 5.4 popup:*


*Here is the default popup shot of 6.0:*

*And then you have to click the drop down to pick "Last Name":*



*Michael Lee Lockwood*
michael at lockwood.us.com
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