[Vtigercrm-developers] Workflows and Last Modified By

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 09:01:27 GMT 2014

I was looking at setting up a workflow for a customer and have noticed a 
few discrepancies between vtiger versions *and* between standard and 
vtlib modules:

1. In vtiger 5.4.0 creating a workflow for say the Contacts module 
offers me a whole list of values to test against the "Last Modified 
User", e.g. username = "fred".

2. Only in vtiger 6.0/6.1 a single "Last Modified By" value is also 
available for any related modules (just for a "Has changed" test I guess).

3. With vtlib *entity* modules in vtiger 5.4.0 there are no "Last 
Modified By" options available at all.

4. In 6.0 & 6.1 for vtlib entity modules, the "Last Modified By" value 
is available but only for related records.

This really should be consistent between standard and vtlib modules.

If the fix to get the Last Modified User values visible for vtlib 
modules in 5.4.0 is going to be the same as in 6.0/6.1 could you let me 
know what it is?



Libertus Solutions

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