[Vtigercrm-developers] Possible typo in the vtiger 6.1 svn 14170 source

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 16:32:01 GMT 2014

Dear vtiger Team,

There is a file ...\modules\Users\DefaultDataPopulator.php
In the line 2278 there is a function:
*function vtws_addFieldTypeInformation()* {
         $fieldTypeInfo = array('picklist' => array(15, 16), 'text' => 
array(19, 20, 21, 24), 'autogenerated' => array(3), 'phone' => array(11),
             'multipicklist' => array(33), 'url' => array(17), 'skype' 
=> array(85), 'boolean' => array(56, 156), 'owner' => array(53),
             'file' => array(61, 28), 'email' => array(13), 'currency' 
=> array(71, 72));

         foreach ($fieldTypeInfo as $type => $uitypes) {
             foreach ($uitypes as $uitype) {
                 $result = $this->db->pquery("insert into 
vtiger_ws_fieldtype(uitype,fieldtype) values(?,?)", array($uitype, $type));
                 if (!is_object($result)) {
*"Query for fieldtype details($uitype:uitype,$type:fieldtype)";*


About the line 2287 there is a string (highlighted with red, bold) 
without any action like echo or something.

The similar functions around this used echo to echo the error message in 
the case of faults.

Kindest regards:


*Holbok István*

*e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
*SkyPe:* holboki

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