[Vtigercrm-developers] Bugs etc - Was password vs accessKey
prasad at vtiger.com
Thu Apr 18 04:07:20 UTC 2013
Adam, John
Thank you for pouring out all the feedback - we have received it well.
Having the core-framework (backend) consistent to standards is on the
roadmap - will make it in a major release (post Vtiger 6).
I can only assume that the management feel that if people try it, and
> like it, but are frustrated with things, they will pay for the full
> service.
Sorry, this assumption - does not apply for us.
Sorry, but many prospective clients looking round here would probably
> shoot themselves before signing up.
We are committed make product better - I'm sure this is certainly what is
important for all.
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On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:32 AM, John Crisp <john at reetspetit.net> wrote:
> On 17/04/13 19:40, Adam Heinz wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Adam Heinz <amh at metricwise.net
> > <mailto:amh at metricwise.net>> wrote:
> >
> > Instead I get crickets and dust.
> >
> >
> > Since I've had a week to cool off with no response,
> Only a week ? :-)
> > I thought I'd add to
> > my list of projects to improve developer experience:
> >
> And user experience too....
> > - Booleans in the database should be TINYINT(1), with 1 = true and 0
> > false, not the current confusing mix.
> > - Replace custom vt_DateTime and DateTimeField classes with integer time
> > or core PHP DateTime class. Code is like makeup; less is more. This is
> > part of a larger problem of too much code. Please please please use
> > Zend or PEAR or ADOdb or any of the other common frameworks that have
> > thousands of users and their own development teams and years of working
> > proof and take all that work off of your plate. You've spent a year
> > implementing your own custom MVC -- now you get to maintain it and
> > you've lost all that time. I'm half inclined to see if I can implement
> > Zend Framework MVC in a weekend that is backwards compatible with
> > existing files.
> > - When you push code to the public svn, push it as individual change
> > sets so that developers can backport patches to old version, or get a
> > better understanding of why things are built the way they are. Better
> > yet, work in the public svn and merge fixes into your hidden OnDemand
> > branch. If you do that, developers can give you timely feedback on your
> > changes -- or maybe even help with the implementation. The same is true
> > of Trac -- bugs should be closed as they are fixed and the code should
> > be visible and linked from the bug at that time.
> >
> >
> I'm no developer, but I couldn't agree more.
> Even I can pull in the odd change from svn, but as I have said before,
> the whole 'fixes' thing at the minute is a complete disaster area. Quite
> frankly, and being perfectly honest if a little blunt, it sucks.
> I am fortunate in that by and large, and excepting the odd minor hack,
> vTiger does what we want as is. If I had a larger organisation I would
> be looking elsewhere for a CRM.....
> Will vTiger ever get the fact that they have a willing community that
> would love to be more involved which they by and large ignore, or at
> best pay lip service too ? How many times do we see keen new
> individuals arrive, only to get more and more frustrated when they are
> ignored, and then leave ???
> (I am currently kind of leading SME server/contibs.org and we have
> similar malaises that we are trying to cure)
> This is not an attack on vTiger individuals as there are many well
> meaning guys. But you just feel their hands are tied with an invisible
> cord.
> As I have said so often. vTiger is great. It could be SO much greater.
> But for reason or reasons unknown to us all the powers that be still
> choose to ignore everyone and carry on as they are. The profits must be
> good somewhere.....
> I can only assume that the management feel that if people try it, and
> like it, but are frustrated with things, they will pay for the full
> service.
> Sorry, but many prospective clients looking round here would probably
> shoot themselves before signing up.
> The community is the vTiger advertising board, and from where I sit, it
> doesn't look good. You might sign some customers, but how many silently
> walk away ????
> So please vTiger, listen to the words of Adam and other top developers.
> They ARE right. Give them a chance to help make vTiger the best there is.
> B. Rgds
> John
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