[Vtigercrm-developers] Error in Webservice\Retrieve.php

Nilay Khatri nilay.khatri at vtiger.com
Thu Jun 28 08:27:05 PDT 2012


thanks for the information. Hope it has solved your problem.

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Bobo Wieland <bobo at prisjakt.nu> wrote:

>  http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.variables-order
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2142497/whats-wrong-with-using-request
> "
> You could completely omit $_COOKIES from the $_REQUEST global though, so
> that it is not overwritten by any of the other arrays (in fact, you can
> limit it to any combination of it's standard contents, like the PHP
> manual on the *variable_order* ini setting<http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.variables-order>tells us:
> variable_order Sets the order of the EGPCS (Environment, Get, Post,
> Cookie, and Server) variable parsing. For example, if variables_order is
> set to "SP" then PHP will create the superglobals $_SERVER and $_POST, but
> not create $_ENV, $_GET, and $_COOKIE. Setting to "" means no superglobals
> will be set."
> Nilay Khatri skrev 2012-06-28 14:32:
> Hi,
>  my mere guess is the same.
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Desarrollo - Affinity <
> desarrollo.affinity at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I found this: "$HTTP_COOKIE: "ck_login_id_vtiger=1;
>> ck_login_theme_vtiger=softed; ck_login_language_vtiger=es_es; timezone=0;
>> PHPSESSID=mgmr0hhdo30ua1qg0k0pvt3b77; XDEBUG_SESSION=netbeans-xdebug"
>> So I think my webserver is unable to convert COOKIE variables into
>> REQUEST variables.
>> Is this possible or something like that? How can I fix?
>>  2012/6/28 Desarrollo - Affinity <desarrollo.affinity at gmail.com>
>>> I'm unable to get this value i dont know why :/
>>> 2012/6/28 Nilay Khatri <nilay.khatri at vtiger.com>
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>  if you are able to get the value for the
>>>> $_REQUEST['ck_login_id_vtiger'] then probably you must check the
>>>> values which are passed to the sql queries.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Nilay Khatri <nilay.khatri at vtiger.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> thanks for the notice, we will look into that.
>>>>>  If you want to assign the record to the currently logged in user you
>>>>> can use the global $current_user value.
>>>>>  On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Desarrollo - Affinity <
>>>>> desarrollo.affinity at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hm.. Im using "Vendors" for create registrys in another module: When
>>>>>> you save a vendor, you actually save 2 registrys (one in vendors and one in
>>>>>> other module).
>>>>>> First question is, why Vendors have:
>>>>>>  if($_REQUEST['assigntype'] == 'U') {
>>>>>>  $focus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] =
>>>>>> $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id'];
>>>>>> } elseif($_REQUEST['assigntype'] == 'T') {
>>>>>>  $focus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] =
>>>>>> $_REQUEST['assigned_group_id'];
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> If Vendors dont have the field to assign user....      I'm using
>>>>>> $_REQUEST['ck_login_id_vtiger'] , to catch the ID of assigner user. It
>>>>>> works in my develop enviroment but not in production.
>>>>>> Im going to check your tip.
>>>>>> 2012/6/28 Nilay Khatri <nilay.khatri at vtiger.com>
>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>  smownerid is the id given for the assigned_user_id so check if the
>>>>>>> value for assigned_to is set or not.
>>>>>>>  Try to log the values passed in params at line 347 in file
>>>>>>> data\CRMEntity.php.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Desarrollo - Affinity <
>>>>>>> desarrollo.affinity at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I thought vTiger did it itself inside the function save($module)
>>>>>>>> 2012/6/28 Nilay Khatri <nilay.khatri at vtiger.com>
>>>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>>>  you cannot have the smownerid column value as NULL. Are you
>>>>>>>>> setting the value properly?
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Desarrollo - Affinity <
>>>>>>>>> desarrollo.affinity at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have the entry in vtiger_ws_entity_table , debugging MySQL this
>>>>>>>>>> happens: " Column 'smownerid' cannot be null" ->   insert into
>>>>>>>>>> vtiger_crmentity
>>>>>>>>>> (crmid,smcreatorid,smownerid,setype,description,createdtime,modifiedtime)
>>>>>>>>>> values(1262,'1',NULL,'CuentasContables','','2012-06-28
>>>>>>>>>> 10:03:56','2012-06-28 10:03:56')
>>>>>>>>>> But this is so strange, with my develop enviroment all works, but
>>>>>>>>>> then I upload to production (other webserver, pc etc) and this error
>>>>>>>>>> happens.
>>>>>>>>>> 2012/6/28 Nilay Khatri <nilay.khatri at vtiger.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>  you can check if the webserviceObject is created or not. I
>>>>>>>>>>> guess you do not have an entry for your entity under the vtiger_ws_entity
>>>>>>>>>>> table.
>>>>>>>>>>>  On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Desarrollo - Affinity <
>>>>>>>>>>> desarrollo.affinity at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  I have this error when i save a custom module that i made:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'WebServiceException' with
>>>>>>>>>>>> message 'Permission to perform the operation is denied' in
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\include\Webservices\Retrieve.php:26 Stack trace:
>>>>>>>>>>>> #0
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\modules\com_vtiger_workflow\VTEntityCache.inc(16):
>>>>>>>>>>>> vtws_retrieve('35x1247', Object(Users)) #1
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\modules\com_vtiger_workflow\VTEntityCache.inc(83):
>>>>>>>>>>>> VTWorkflowEntity->__construct(Object(Users), '35x1247') #2
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\modules\com_vtiger_workflow\VTEventHandler.inc(48):
>>>>>>>>>>>> VTEntityCache->forId('35x1247') #3
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\include\events\VTEventTrigger.inc(119):
>>>>>>>>>>>> VTWorkflowEventHandler->handleEvent('vtiger.entity.a...',
>>>>>>>>>>>> Object(VTEntityData)) #4
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\include\events\VTEventsManager.inc(118):
>>>>>>>>>>>> VTEventTrigger->trigger(Object(VTEntityData)) #5
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\data\CRMEntity.php(863):
>>>>>>>>>>>> VTEventsManager->triggerEvent('vtiger.entity.a...', Object(VTEntityData))
>>>>>>>>>>>> #6 C:\apache\htdocs\manager\modules\Vendors\Save.php(44):
>>>>>>>>>>>> CRMEntity->save('CuentasContabl in
>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\apache\htdocs\manager\include\Webservices\Retrieve.php on line 26
>>>>>>>>>>>> What can I do? Where should I start to find?
>>>>>>>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Nilay Khatri
>>>>>>>>>>> (VTiger)
>>>>>>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>> Nilay Khatri
>>>>>>>>> (VTiger)
>>>>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>> Nilay Khatri
>>>>>>> (VTiger)
>>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>>>  --
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Nilay Khatri
>>>>> (VTiger)
>>>>  --
>>>> regards
>>>> Nilay Khatri
>>>> (VTiger)
>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>  --
> regards
> Nilay Khatri
> (VTiger)
> _______________________________________________http://www.vtiger.com/
> --
> *Med vänliga hälsningar
> Bobo - bobo at prisjakt.nu*
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

Nilay Khatri
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