[Vtigercrm-developers] Create module

William Bejarano william.bejarano at ito-software.com
Fri Jun 15 08:19:25 PDT 2012


I want add more fields to each user and show this information how a new

2012/6/12 Adam Heinz <amh at metricwise.net>

> What is the purpose of this module?  Do you just need custom fields for
> users, or is this something that requires the full permissions and
> versatility of a module?  I ask because your 1:1 requirement already exists
> between every vtiger_MODULE table and its corresponding vtiger_MODULEcf
> custom fields table.
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:37 PM, William Bejarano <
> william.bejarano at ito-software.com> wrote:
>> Hello to everybody
>> This is my first post and i need your help
>> I need create a new module and related to user module, namely, that each
>> item to my new module is related to a unique user. a relation 1:1 module
>> between my new module and users module
>> thanks
>> --
>> *William Bejarano*
>> Ing. Sistemas-ITO Software
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
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*William Bejarano*
Ing. Sistemas
ITO Software
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