[Vtigercrm-developers] MySql Crashing (help me)

Adam Heinz amh at metricwise.net
Thu Jun 14 08:29:48 PDT 2012

Have you ruled out:
* Is the disk full?
* Is the vtiger_ws_entity.frm file readable by mysql? (Does it exist?)
* Is the table corrupt? (Google myisamchk)
* Is there file system corruption?

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Rodrigo Souza <rodrigo at hostplan.com.br>wrote:

> Dear,
> I come to request your help because I am living with a problem in Vtiger
> already one week and I can not solve. The MySQL crashes several times a day
> giving the following error:
> "120605 13:47:32 [ERROR] D: \ web \ mysql \ bin \ mysqld-nt: Can not open
> file: '. \ Vtiger \ vtiger_ws_entity.frm' (errno: 24)"
> Mysql crashes when this error occurs citing multiple tables.
> I've made several changes in my.ini and nothing had an effect, inclussive
> I upgraded the server it was running low on available memory, but had no
> effect. Can anyone give me any suggestions?
> My Vtiger 5.2.1 is installed on Windows Server 2008 executable by the
> official site. The server is meméria with 16GB and 500 GB HD. That same
> server has a database that uses SQL Server and 4GB memory Vtiger intalled
> (Apache + MySQL + PHP) only.
> Thank you very much.
> Atte,
> *Rodrigo Souza de Oliveira*
> *Consultor de TI
> *Hostplan Informática Ltda
> Telefones: (21) 9217-7909 e/ou (21) 8153-5287
> website: www.hostplan.com.br
> e-mail/msn: rodrigo at hostplan.com.br
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> http://www.vtiger.com/
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