[Vtigercrm-developers] MySql Crashing (help me)

Rodrigo Souza rodrigo at hostplan.com.br
Thu Jun 14 08:11:32 PDT 2012


I come to request your help because I am living with a problem in Vtiger
already one week and I can not solve. The MySQL crashes several times a day
giving the following error:

"120605 13:47:32 [ERROR] D: \ web \ mysql \ bin \ mysqld-nt: Can not open
file: '. \ Vtiger \ vtiger_ws_entity.frm' (errno: 24)"

Mysql crashes when this error occurs citing multiple tables.

I've made several changes in my.ini and nothing had an effect, inclussive I
upgraded the server it was running low on available memory, but had no
effect. Can anyone give me any suggestions?

My Vtiger 5.2.1 is installed on Windows Server 2008 executable by the
official site. The server is meméria with 16GB and 500 GB HD. That same
server has a database that uses SQL Server and 4GB memory Vtiger intalled
(Apache + MySQL + PHP) only.

Thank you very much.

*Rodrigo Souza de Oliveira*
*Consultor de TI
*Hostplan Informática Ltda
Telefones: (21) 9217-7909 e/ou (21) 8153-5287
website: www.hostplan.com.br
e-mail/msn: rodrigo at hostplan.com.br
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