[Vtigercrm-developers] This shouldn't be so hard!

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 12:22:23 PDT 2012

On 11/06/12 19:55, Prasad wrote:
> Alan,
> Document attachment is handled like adding Related Record
> to the module. This provides the ability to re-use existing documents
> or have more than one attachment for a record.

OK - But that isn't really what I want. I want a field in a module that 
contains one attachment, a bit like the way the image thing works for 
Products, or the more accurately the image on a Contact for example (UI 
Type 69).

> You can try setting up a relation between your custom module and
> Document (setRelatedList)

Well, I have tried this and as I said before. The popup opened and I 
could select a document but on closing/saving that field remains empty 
and nothing is written to the db. (This is using setRelatedModules() not 

I refer back to the subject of this message ;-) and to the many others 
on the forums. This really shouldn't be so hard. vtlib is great and 
makes it relatively easy to create new modules, but there is no obvious 
way to create a field to take an attachment or, more specifically an image.

I will examine the code in the Contact module to see if I can understand 
how it is managing to do it although giving it a quick scan, it does 
look essentially the same as in the other modules...



Libertus Solutions

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