[Vtigercrm-developers] Compile Outlook Plugin

Alexandru Mihai alexandru at webio.ro
Wed Dec 12 23:11:50 PST 2012

Hi guys,

Has anybody tried to compile the outlook addon ? I've downloaded the code
from here : http://trac.vtiger.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrmoutlook/trunk/, i've
made some minor modifications , but it seems i can't compilate the core
project because it's a library , and it cannot generate executable.

I can compile the setup project , and obtain an installer , but it doesn't
contain the executable ( "Primary output from vtigerCRMOutlookAddin ) .

Do you know what can I do to compile the core project ? I think I should
create a new project and bound it whit the core , but I'm not sure if this
would be the solution.

Thank you for the help !
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