[Vtigercrm-developers] 5.4.x
sailsfast at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 16:42:49 PDT 2012
Frankly, as a sales development training professional I find the new
interface a big improvement. The work flow is greatly improved as well.
On Apr 24, 2012 7:25 PM, "John Crisp" <john at reetspetit.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just had a quick peek at the new 5.4 demo and sad to say, I'm not at all
> sure I like it :-(
> ==========================================
> Organisations ??? Opportunities ??? Just managed to educate my users and
> now I have to re-educate them. Or is there an easy way to change them to
> back to Accounts & Potentials which they are used too ?
> ==========================================
> Bug ? Looking for a way to rename the modules I had a look in the Module
> Manager, and noticed that all the other modules are sorted
> alphabetically so I was a bit surprised when looking for Organisations
> down the list and then found it was at the top !!!!
> ==========================================
> The whole thing just seems more difficult to find what you want quickly
> despite being told that it was easier to use. The drop downs previously
> used were much more 'usable' IMHO. The ability to choose preferred menu
> buttons is a plus, but I would have liked to have seen the ability to
> choose the top buttons, and then sub menus as each organisation sees fit.
> e.g. For us I would like a Sales menu with drop downs for Contacts,
> Accounts, Potential, Quotes, SO's, Inv, a Marketing menu with relevant
> sub menus, and a Vendors Menu with say POs, Products, Price Books and
> then a Tools/Reports/Misc menu for all the other gubbins. This would
> mean I only need 3 or 4 to buttons with relevant groupings below.
> A more flexible UI to cater for different companies methodology and
> thinking would be a great leap forward - being able to choose buttons is
> a great start, but doesn't work for all.
> ==========================================
> The help button on the right is nothing but annoying, overlaps things
> slightly and keeps dragging your eyes away. It needs the width reducing
> to keep out of the way. Or the ability to disable it altogether (is that
> possible already ?)
> ==========================================
> The global search box at the top looks like it has been thrown there in
> desperation ! Maybe the old one wasn't quite obvious enough, but this
> feels like a 'slap in the face with a wet fish' approach !
> Bug ? On my Firefox (11.0 Linux) it isn't rendered properly - the icon
> is 50 x 25 px but it shows as 48 x 31 px which is not 70%/70% as per the
> code :
> <input type="image" class="searchBtn" alt="Find" title="Find"
> width="70%;" height="70%" src="themes/images/searchicon.PNG"
> align="left" border="1" onsubmit="submit-form();">
> I think it should be around 48 x 24 px to look right or 'square'.
> Having looked, I think there may a duplicate entry in the style.css file
> Line 2825
> .searchBtn {
> width: 48px;
> height: 31px;
> }
> Line 1303
> .searchBtn {
> width: 48px;
> height: 24px;
> }
> The bottom one looks correct but is overridden by the top one.
> ==========================================
> Bug ? If you do a global search, and then 'Show results in', check a box
> and then apply, my natural thought was that it would then filter the
> results on the basis that I wanted a 'Global' search first and then a
> narrower search if I got too many results. However, if you do, you just
> get either no change or a blank screen (have had both). Obviously my
> search logic is different to other users !
> My users and I tend to type the search term, wait for the results and
> then filter down. I would argue that there needs to be some more thought
> on how to make this work more intuitively.
> ==========================================
> Vendors. I thought great, finally you can add a Contact to a Vendor. Or
> so I thought. But wait. That Contact belongs to an Organisation ??? That
> is crazy. Either they are a Contact of that Vendor or they are a Contact
> for an Organisation. Or does someone out there have Contacts who relate
> directly to a Vendor ??? Our Contacts never have any contact with a
> Vendor. It's totally illogical, and confusing.
> Vendors should have the ability to have multiple Contacts of their own
> and I have said as much before - a lot of our Vendors have different
> Contacts for their own departments Sales, Accounts, Marketing etc etc.
> But they have nothing to do at all with our 'Sales' Accounts or Contacts
> I think the Vendors/Product/Services aspect is somewhat neglected and
> should be as powerful as the Sales side - after all it is equally as
> important as Sales.
> No Products/Services = No Sales
> More Sales = More Vendors / Products / Services
> And it needs to be clearly separated from Organisation
> (Account)/Contacts other wise we'll all be in a right mucking fuddle !
> ==========================================
> Sorry if I sound negative as I don't want to be - I love the product and
> evangelise where I can, but it just doesn't feel quite as 'natural' as
> before !
> However, I thought I'd speak here, and not the forums, to look for some
> constructive discussion. If need be I will post some of this on the trac
> if people with greater minds than mine feel that some of the items are
> either bugs or NFRs
> B. Rgds
> John
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