[Vtigercrm-developers] 5.4.x

John Crisp john at reetspetit.net
Tue Apr 24 18:21:43 PDT 2012

On 25/04/12 01:42, Doug wrote:
> Frankly, as a sales development training professional I find the new
> interface a big improvement.  

Which demonstrates that one size does not fit all :-) I am sure there
are many other differing view points.

As I mentioned "A more flexible UI to cater for different companies
methodology and thinking would be a great leap forward"

The ability to customise the interface has increased over time with
developments such as the Layout Editor for Modules which was a huge boost.

We use the drop down menus a lot, so they will be missed. Personally I
would have preferred to have seen the option to have drop downs if
required AND the ability to move buttons too. Best of both worlds !

Consider it a NFR, not a complete criticism !

B. Rgds

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