[Vtigercrm-developers] should all the blocker and critical be fixed for the 5.0.3 ?

Brian Devendorf developer at infointegrated.com
Mon Jan 22 05:26:50 PST 2007


I can certainly appreciate getting an improved version out the door.  
However, if there are any bugs that are truly blockers, by definition  
they are blocking the release. Blockers should be fixed before  
release. If you fail to do this, you will be alienating the members  
of the community which view this as blocking their adoption of  
vtiger. You'll want to spend at least two months after 5.0.3 before  
releasing 5.0.4... so you should make the 5.0.3 release one that you  
and the community can stand behind.


On Jan 22, 2007, at 5:53 AM, richie wrote:

> Hello!
> Should all the blocker and critical issues in the bugtracker currently
> stated for the 5.0.3 be fixed or do you think that we can pass on a  
> few
> to the 5.0.4 version?
> I ask this as I feel that it will take close to a month to fix all the
> issues in the blocker and critical category of the 5.0.3 type.
> Just wanted your views please.
> Richie
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