[Vtigercrm-developers] Sharing access problem testing 5.0.3-rc

Andrew Rodes arodes at onweald.com
Fri Jan 19 10:08:41 PST 2007

I have used the following method with success in the past to do local
development and verification from one point release to another:


1.	get latest version from svn
(http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3) for example
into a new folder locally
2.	copy a previous version of the DB using mysql export/import tool ..
for example I export a working 5.0.2 db, and reimport it as a new name ..
say 5.0.3
3.	Copy over the config_inc.php and config_db.php to the new folder
from older folder ( 5.0.2->5.0.3)
4.	Modify the appropriate settings in the 2 config files from step 3
replacing the old db and url information with the new db and url info.
5.	Copy over user_priveileges_1.php and sharing_privileges_1.php from
the user_privileges folder from the old install to the new ( 5.0.2->5.0.3)
6.	launch a browser and point it to the new folder
7.	goto settings->sharing access and recalculate them via the
recalculate button


if you are having troubles getting the copied version to work in 5.0.3, try
rebuilding it in the previous version and copying them over again. Also, it
may depend on what version the old privileges files are in .. perhaps trying
to go from 5.0.0 to 5.0.3 wont work. I don't know as I have just moved along
with point releases. I am not an expert on this stuff, but thought I might
reply to your question with stuff I have tried.


If you are still having problems, I could send you my working privileges
file which I think will work for admin since I am using the default admin
password which appears to be the only critical item stored in the privileges







From: clement chazarra [mailto:chazarra.clement at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 8:46 AM
To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
Subject: [Vtigercrm-developers] Sharing access problem testing 5.0.3-rc



I just get 5.0.3-rc from the svn, and when I try to login I get the error
about sharing users access and am not able to recalculate the sharing access

So I copied the user_privileges folder from my working configuration and
pasted it in the 5.0.3-rc. The result is that I can login but can't see
admin details..
When I try to recalculate the sharing access, I am not permitted to do so
and seems that the system doesn't see me as an admin anymore(no settings
tab) even if I stay logged in. 
Does anyone  had this issue installing the last svn version at home? Any
walk around?

You need help on verifying if closed tickets are really fixed, how to know
if a ticket has been verified once, twice, or more times? 


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