[Vtigercrm-developers] Sharing access problem testing 5.0.3-rc

Philip philip at vtiger.com
Fri Jan 19 23:49:46 PST 2007

Hi Chazarra,

If you install the source you have to give permsision to the following 
directories/files and then try running install.php

config.inc.php cache/ test/wordtemplatedownload/ storage/ install/ 
install.php test/ modules/Emails/templates/ user_privileges/ 
Smarty/templates_c parent_tabdata.php tabdata.php Smarty/cache

This should solve the admin issues.

Kindly check out the source from the following url for latest fixes

Yes! it will be difficult to know that how may times that the ticket has 
verified, but testers will be using various OS and browsers, more time 
it is tested more the stability across platforms ;-)

clement chazarra wrote:
> Hello,
> I just get 5.0.3-rc from the svn, and when I try to login I get the 
> error about sharing users access and am not able to recalculate the 
> sharing access rights..
> So I copied the user_privileges folder from my working configuration 
> and pasted it in the 5.0.3-rc. The result is that I can login but 
> can't see admin details..
> When I try to recalculate the sharing access, I am not permitted to do 
> so and seems that the system doesn't see me as an admin anymore(no 
> settings tab) even if I stay logged in.
> Does anyone  had this issue installing the last svn version at home? 
> Any walk around?
> You need help on verifying if closed tickets are really fixed, how to 
> know if a ticket has been verified once, twice, or more times?
> Thanks,
> Clem
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