[Vtigercrm-developers] Fatal error on create / edit custom view

Dhr. R.R. Gerbrands remco at artoge.nl
Tue Oct 31 08:04:36 PST 2006

Hi Callum and others,

I'm using hosting sollutions for my clients, therefor can not set  
register_long_arra to ON.
If you want your script to work regardless of register_globals, you  
need to instead use this:
$HTTP_GET_VARS      => $_GET
$HTTP_ENV_VARS      => $_ENV

Maybe take is up for releasing 5.0.3 ?

Best regards,

Remco Gerbrands

Op 31-okt-2006, om 13:02 heeft Callum Macdonald het volgende geschreven:

> Hey Joe,
> Thanks for the heads up, that did in fact solve my problem.
> Guys, can we add something to the install of vtiger that screams and
> shouts if the register_long_arrays is set to OFF? I'm sure it'll save
> some people a lot of hassle. Either that or can we work around it so
> that it's not a problem?
> Cheers,
> Callum.
> Joe Bordes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have you read and tried this thread:
>> http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php? 
>> t=10009&highlight=registerlongarrays
>> I got it working after changing the variable.
>> Joe
>> TSolucio
>> El vie, 27-10-2006 a las 16:16 +0700, Callum Macdonald escribió:
>>> Hey Guys,
>>> I found this bug report:
>>> http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/2388
>>> bharath said they tried to reproduce the error but could not. I  
>>> have the
>>> same problem. I've also created a custom view by hand, which  
>>> works fine,
>>> and then tried to edit it, same result.
>>> This error is pretty serious. You get the following error message  
>>> and
>>> then have to log out and log back in, otherwise you get this  
>>> error on
>>> every page:
>>> *Fatal error*: Call to a member function FetchRow() on a non- 
>>> object in
>>> */home/sites/vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/include/database/ 
>>> PearDatabase.php*
>>> on line *434*
>>> Enabling SQL logging to the browser produces the following error:
>>> 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
>>> corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
>>> near 'vtiger_crmentity.crmid FROM vtiger_contactdetails INNER JOIN
>>> vtiger_crmentity' at line 1
>>>          ADOConnection._Execute(select  ,vtiger_crmentity.crmid  
>>> FROM vtiger_contactdetails
>>> 			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
>>> 				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger..., false) % line  861,  
>>> file: adodb.inc.php <file://home/sites/vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/ 
>>> adodb/adodb.inc.php>
>>>       ADOConnection.Execute(select  ,vtiger_crmentity.crmid FROM  
>>> vtiger_contactdetails
>>> 			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
>>> 				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger...) % line  240, file:  
>>> PearDatabase.php <file://home/sites/vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/ 
>>> include/database/PearDatabase.php>
>>>    PearDatabase.query(select  ,vtiger_crmentity.crmid FROM  
>>> vtiger_contactdetails
>>> 			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
>>> 				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger...) % line  223, file:  
>>> ListView.php <file://home/sites/vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/modules/ 
>>> Contacts/ListView.php>
>>> include(/home/sites/vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/modules/Contacts/ 
>>> ListView.php) % line   26, file: index.php <file://home/sites/ 
>>> vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/modules/Contacts/index.php>
>>> include(/home/sites/vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/modules/Contacts/ 
>>> index.php) % line  639, file: index.php <file://home/sites/ 
>>> vtiger5.harttdev.com/html/index.php>
>>> My system info:
>>> vtiger: 5.0.0 patch 1 aka 5.0.1 (downloaded as LAMP tar)
>>> mysql: Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.22
>>> php: PHP Version 5.1.4 / Apache 2.0
>>> Can anyone recommend any next steps for debugging? This is a pretty
>>> major problem for us, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Callum.
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