[Vtigercrm-developers] HTMLPurigier_Config not found error

Martin Allen martin.allen at exe-squared.co.uk
Mon Oct 24 08:12:49 GMT 2022

We had an issue with the vtlib_purify function recently (that appears in your stacktrace) – which prevented it working correctly if we had used any Composer packages prior to that function. It appears that the function tries to unload autoloaded items, but cant do this correctly when Composer has autoloaded items.
It doesn’t look like this is the issue in your case, unless something has triggered composers autoloader prior to this point in the code (we were using it in custom workflow functions).

From: vtigercrm-developers-bounces at lists.vtigercrm.com <vtigercrm-developers-bounces at lists.vtigercrm.com> On Behalf Of Rubén A. Estrada Orozco
Sent: 21 October 2022 18:34
To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
Subject: [Vtigercrm-developers] HTMLPurigier_Config not found error

Hi everyone,

I have a script that modifies and saves invoices. I had been running literally for years without problems.
Recently, this kind of error appeared:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'HTMLPurifier_Config' not found in /var/www/html/vtigercrm/include/utils/VtlibUtils.php:686
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/vtigercrm/include/utils/InventoryUtils.php(648): vtlib_purify('125559')
#1 /var/www/html/vtigercrm/modules/Invoice/Invoice.php(142): saveInventoryProductDetails(Object(Invoice), 'Invoice')
#2 /var/www/html/vtigercrm/data/CRMEntity.php(129): Invoice->save_module('Invoice')
#3 /var/www/html/vtigercrm/data/CRMEntity.php(940): CRMEntity->saveentity('Invoice', '')
#4 /var/www/html/vtigercrm/modules/Vtiger/models/Module.php(169): CRMEntity->save('Invoice')
#5 /var/www/html/vtigercrm/modules/Vtiger/models/Record.php(259): Vtiger_Module_Model->saveRecord(Object(Invoice_Record_Model))

I'm not the only person with access to the server, but as far as I can see and I was told, there have been no modifications to vtiger files recently.
Do you have any idea why this would happen?

Its a vtiger 7.1 using php 7.0


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