[Vtigercrm-developers] Calendar Related Activities

Sukhdev Mohan s.mohan at myti.it
Tue Jul 21 22:12:28 GMT 2020

Hi All,

I’m on a vtiger 7 installation. The Client wanted to show different columns in related list in Organizations and Contacts, some of which are custom fields. From vtiger_field I’ve selected the columns I want to show but I’m facing some problems:

1. Can’t order them in the order I want, even though change sequence attribute in db changes it’s physical position. How Can I Achieve this?
2. The columns I’ve added are shown empty but in detail view hold value. How can I show the value?

In the enclosed SC the green spots are value, the red are missing

The order desired is
Orario e data inizio (start date time) - Tipo Compito (cf) - Oggetto compito (cf) - Soggetto (subject) - Nome Contatto (contact name surname) - Relativi a (relative to) - Assegnato a (owner) - Ricorrenza (Recurring type)

Please help me out.

Best Regards,
Sukhdev Mohan
Cel. (+39) 320 7020345
Email s.mohan at myti.it

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