[Vtigercrm-developers] Filter a popup from another popup

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 08:17:43 GMT 2019

Relatively easily done when the user uses the popup (inherit and/or 
customise the Popup view and the ListView model classes), but when you 
use typeahead search in a UIType 10 field, it's broken unfortunately.




On 06/02/2019 19:47, nab wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two pop-ups (UI10 type) in the same custom module, say "mymodule".
> The first  popup "Project Name", displays all the projects, the second popup
> "Task Name"  displays all the tasks of all the projects. I want to apply a
> filter on the second popup so when I select a project from the first popup
> it will displays in the second popup "Task name" only the tasks
> corresponding to the selected project, or if I can intercept the selected ID
> of the first popup I could use it to modify the query of the second popup in
> "ListView.php", any idea ?
> Regards,
> --
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