[Vtigercrm-developers] Adding a second "user" field?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu May 3 10:09:19 GMT 2018

Customer wants to add a field so they can record a secondary staff 
member as having a relationship/responsibility towards an Organisation.

I know this has cropped up before but wondering if anyone got a tested 
and working solution (i.e. Reports still work).

The ways I can think of doing this are:

* Simply add a normal, manually created picklist field (no dynamic 
updates of available users etc... A bit of a "last-resort" solution IMHO)

* UIType 53? Standard Assigned To field - I recall having more then one 
of these in a module used to break things badly, especially Reports.

* UItype 52? - The Modified By/Created By field. Not sure how it 
performs if displaytype is set to normal. Again concerns with Reports.

* Add a UIType 10 field pointing at the Users module? Might work, but 
would probably crash Reporting engine as totally unexpected.

* Create a custom UIType field and all the associated code?

Anyone used any of these and/or other ideas?


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