[Vtigercrm-developers] Template silently fails when viewing organizations for any user

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Wed Feb 14 21:58:18 GMT 2018

Thank you for the quick response. I'll look into the code you posted.

You asked why I'm doing it this way. Our iSeries stores each sales rep, and
all the accounts for each rep. For every account, there can be up to two
contacts. Given that I was creating all the accounts and contacts anyway,
it seemed easiest to just go ahead and create the users, too. We don't have
a lot of them, but I didn't see the point in manually creating every user
when the web service documentation claimed I could automate the entire
process. For whatever reason, though, the web service flatly refuses to let
me add users. Again, I can create them manually before running the import,
but I wanted to automate the process if I could. This way, anytime I re-run
the sync file to update with new accounts or contacts, any new reps we may
have gotten would be added to the CRM.

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 4:46 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 14/02/18 21:28, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Two slightly different questions, then. First, how can I properly create
>> users through the web service, without getting the error that what I'm
>> doing is "not valid for id"?
> This was discussed in a thread this month :-)
> http://lists.vtigercrm.com/pipermail/vtigercrm-developers/
> 2018-February/037124.html
> Thanks for any thoughts. Please let me know what you need to see of my
>> code, the Vtiger code I'm working with, or anything else.
> TBH, all bets are off really when you say you are manually creating
> users...
> I guess the first question is WHY? Why are you creating users like this?
> Do you have a lot to add or something?
> The permissions and access control system depends on the users being
> created properly and thereby having generated their privilege/sharing files.
> Turning on error_reporting in config.inc.php and enabling the debug log
> and using the Javascript console in your browser will probably point you to
> where you need to start looking.
> Al
> NB: you also didn't say what version of vtiger you are testing.
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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