[Vtigercrm-developers] vt7 Overriding Javascript Classes

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 13:48:11 GMT 2017

Further investigations mean I'm now fairly sure I only need to override 
the searchModuleNames function in Vtiger.js ;-)

This function is called both in Detail and Edit Views. In Detail I can 
live with it because the record has already been saved.

But in Edit View it could be a new record. I need to read the values of 
a couple of fields in the DOM and pass these in the Ajax call to 
BasicAjax in _my_ module's action class.

I really can't see how I can use the jQuery class features to override 
Vtiger_Index_Js so I am wondering if there is something I could do based 
on the "post.editView.load" client-side event handler? Could I "remove" 
or "disable" the Event registered (in Vtiger_Index_Js) on the reference 
field and then add my own?


On 27/06/17 15:11, Alan Lord wrote:
> I need to override the searchModuleNames functions so that I can pass 
> some extra data during type-ahead search in reference fields.
> This function is included in two files:
> layouts/v7/modules/Vtiger/resources/Vtiger.js
> and
> layouts/v7/modules/Vtiger/resources/Detail.js
> (The one in Detail.js I don't think actually ever gets used.)
> So how do override the one in Vtiger.js?
> Do I create a
> /layouts/v7/modules/MyModuleName/resources/MyModuleName.js file and 
> inherit from Vtiger_Index_Js?
> The Detail.js override wont work because it the searchModuleNames 
> function is already loaded via the registerAutoCompleteFields in Vtiger.js
> Cluebat anyone?
> Al
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