[Vtigercrm-developers] IP used in the HELO request

Sutharsan Jeganathan ajstharsan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 03:14:59 GMT 2017

Hi Stefan

"*To be fair:* In the last 1-2 years the administration of Mailserver is
getting harder ..."

I also agree :)

Keeping mail server with hosting companies such as hostgator also not
giving that much of problem.

AmazonSES could be another solution where pay per usage plan is available

Sutharsan Jeganathan

On 29 Dec 2017 06:52, "Stefan Warnat" <ich at stefanwarnat.de> wrote:

Hy Tony,

You need a PTR DNS Record for your IP and this PTR Records *MUST* match the
hostname from mailserver. This PTR Record isn't related to your server, but
to your server provider. So you need to ask them.
But if "Server without name" only means, that Postfix isn't using a
Hostname: https://rudd-o.com/linux-and-free-software/

But: There is a reason, why such Mails are blocked. (*And also will blocked
with short information to sender on all server I manage*)
If a ServerAdmin is not able to configure a Mailserver, there cannot be any
important mails from this server and admin mostly also cannot monitor if
the server is sending spam or someone tries to BruteForce a SMTP login.
Sounds hard, but otherwise SPAM will flood our servers.
*To be fair:* In the last 1-2 years the administration of Mailserver is
getting harder and harder and is a very time intensive task. I'm happy
about every client, which use external Mail Provider, like Office 365,
GMail, etc.

You/your client should consider to use something like
https://www.mailgun.com/ for mailsending. (from CRM)
Last month I found them and be very happy about the packages they
provide (*Also
free one*). Not too expensive and very developer friendly. (And we don't
get any SPAM problems from their used IPs in last 4 weeks ~8000 Mails )



*Freelancer at Webdevelopment*

Web: http://www.stefanwarnat.de
Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Stefan_Warnat2
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stefan-warnat/6/827/820
eMail: kontakt at stefanwarnat.de

On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 7:39 AM, Intrelap Systems <intrelap at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Is that Spam Assassin blocking your emails from the CRM?
> Seran
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 7:22 AM, Tony Sandman <tonysandman999 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> CRM set on server without name. IP used only.
>> SpamAssassin dont like it. Any short way to fix it?
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