[Vtigercrm-developers] Licensing discussion: WAS [Re: Vtiger 7 Features (preliminary list) (B?a?ej Pabiszczak)]

Sreenivas Kanumuru svk at vtiger.com
Fri Oct 28 12:50:35 GMT 2016


If a developer has contributed a merge request on code.vtiger.com to Vtiger
project, then the code will carry the same VPL license (Mozilla license) as
the project. If a developer doesn't want to license the contribution under
VPL license, then we may not include the contribution.

Google Maps is loosely coupled, with a popup showing the location of the
contact/org on the map. Instead of a popup, if we show the same in a new
window by directly taking the user to maps.google.com then the license
would not be required. We will make this change in V7 version.

thank you,

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:39 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28/10/16 09:23, Błażej wrote:
> On the other hand, Vtiger keeps ignoring the license conditions. For
>> example:
>>   * Integration with Google Maps without the free license from Google
>>     [which means that everyone who downloads Vtiger should purchase
>>     Google license which is very expensive]
> +1 for breaching Google Maps' license terms. I have raised this many times
> myself.
>   * Includes files under the GPL license.
> I just grepped the source and was not able to find a GPL license header...
> Do you have an example? I found plenty of dual licensed code, MIT & GPL,
> BSD & LGPL, which are fine and also some LGPL which should also be fine.
>   * Doesn't require CLA for the changes uploaded by community [which is
>>     dangerous, mostly for Vtiger itself].
> Interesting thought.
> Al
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