[Vtigercrm-developers] Error when trying to create a new product.

EGM Media | Lennart van Ballegoij lennart at egmmedia.nl
Fri Oct 7 10:29:46 GMT 2016

Hey guys,

I've got the following problem, when i'm trying to add a product in our crm
system we get the following error:

Syntax Error in template "/home/clientserver/domains/
on line 34 "{assign var=VIEW_NAME
value={getPurifiedSmartyParameters('view')}}" unknown function

I've checked the Currency.tpl file and the error disappears when i delete
the following line:

{assign var=VIEW_NAME value={getPurifiedSmartyParameters('view')}} Line:34

But i'm wondering if i can delete this line without consequences ? i'm not
sure what the getPurifiedSmartyParameters function should do.

Does anyone know why i'm getting this error and how to fix it the proper
way ?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Lennart VAN Ballegoij
Backend Developer
+31 (0) 85 30 300 50 Westerlaan 51
lennart at egmmedia.nl 8011 CA Zwolle
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