[Vtigercrm-developers] Error when trying to create a new product.

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 10:41:38 GMT 2016

On 07/10/16 11:29, EGM Media | Lennart van Ballegoij wrote:
> But i'm wondering if i can delete this line without consequences ? i'm
> not sure what the getPurifiedSmartyParameters function should do.

> # grep -rn "function getPurifiedSmartyParameters" *

> includes/runtime/Viewer.php:222:function getPurifiedSmartyParameters($param){

in the file includes/runtime/Viewer.php on line 222

> function getPurifiedSmartyParameters($param){
>     return htmlentities($_REQUEST[$param]);
> }

So the error you see would suggest that you do not have the function in 
your Viewer class... This function was added in version 6.4.0...



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