[Vtigercrm-developers] Google Maps: Usage

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 08:08:00 GMT 2016

We are asked fairly often about why we don't use Google Maps rather than 
Open Street Map for our GeoTools marketplace extension.

We answer with the same response every time. If you want to use *any* 
Google Map display in your CRM then it would seem to me to fall under 
the following use-case example from their website[1] (emphasis mine):

> "Private apps or websites that have restricted access. This includes *employee* *intranet* or invite only communities."

> Other than Android apps, private use requires a *Premium Plan*.

And from their FAQ [2]:

> Should I purchase the Google Maps APIs Premium Plan?
>     You should purchase the Google Maps APIs Premium Plan if your business or organization requires any of the following:

>         Ability to use Google Maps APIs for an *internal* application or website


So, it seems to me that anyone using vtiger today, and using a custom 
module which uses Google Maps, or the in-built map widget needs to buy 
their Premium Plan (or make their vtiger CRM public).

I've mentioned this before, but seemingly it falls on deaf ears.

Anyone actually using Google Maps in their vtiger system please be 
aware: _you_ or your _company_ is almost certainly in breach of their 
terms and conditions unless you have their Premium Plan.


[1] https://developers.google.com/maps/pricing-and-plans/
[2] https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#usage_premium

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