[Vtigercrm-developers] 6.5.0 Release Update

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Tue Jun 28 17:30:30 GMT 2016


Thanks for the feedback.


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On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Błażej Pabiszczak <
b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com> wrote:

> It's amazing how much you can discuss, how many people participate in
> that, and how huge the leader of the project is, and despite all that, for
> the past 2 years barely anything has been done. The majority of the people
> who are still on the list are companies that create commercial modules, for
> whom changes [especially the significant ones] are inconvenient, because
> they will require module fixes. For those who gain profit from the lack of
> features no changes is great news, for Vtiger users - not so much.
> The vision of Vtiger 7 appearing in Q2/2017 will be postponed a few times,
> and to make it even worse, nobody knows what it will include, whether or
> not the final effect is worth the wait [time will tell]. At the moment,
> Vtiger as the project's leader isn't really involved, and this can't work
> in the long run, especially if people want to treat Vtiger's development as
> part of their business, and not just a toy.
> On one hand I'm happy with what's happening [no core development, hundreds
> of missing functionalities substituted by ill-considered expensive
> modules]; on the other hand I know that it will also negatively impact
> everyone, because Vtiger and SugarCRM influence the way the entire open
> source CRM community is perceived. Compare the development of these systems
> within the last 4 weeks:
>    1.
>    Vtiger: https://github.com/YetiForceCompany/vtiger/pulse/monthly
>    2.
>    YetiForce:
>    https://github.com/YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM/pulse/monthly
>    3.
>    coreBOS: https://github.com/tsolucio/corebos/pulse/monthly
>    4.
>    EPESI: https://github.com/Telaxus/EPESI/pulse/monthly
>    5.
>    SuiteCRM: https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/pulse/monthly
>    6.
>    SugarCRML https://github.com/sugarcrm/sugarcrm_dev/pulse/monthly
> Looking at this only you can figure out how many people are involved in
> these systems, how huge the communities are...you can only see the last
> month's work, but the situation has been similar for all these systems for
> the past year. I watch these [and many more] projects all the time to learn
> from them as much as I can. What I can see is the fact that open source is
> not doing well, there are many small projects, and each of them takes away
> valuable part of the community. Additionally, there's a bunch of people and
> companies who just want to take, and give nothing in return.
> If projects like coreBOS, EPESI, YetiForce, and Vtiger were merged, we
> would be in a completely different place now, and what we could achieve
> would be bigger and better than any given project.
> PS. Congrats on the upcoming version 6.5 that doesn't patch any critical
> security errors in Vtiger and client portal :D Each new release keeps
> surprising me more and more, great job ;).
> ---
> Z poważaniem / Regards
> *Błażej Pabiszczak*
> *Chief Executive Officer*
> M: +48.884999123
> E: b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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